Chapter 54

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Just wanna say sorry for the wait



597 pieces of candy later. I am ready to kill Nash. He made me count his candy, there were like 954 pieces and he's eaten 597.

People like Nash don't need sugar...ever. It's midnight and Mady and I are trying to sleep but no Nash has other plans. That would be jumping on his bed singing the Hannah Montana theme song really loud while playing bongos. Don't ask me how he is doing all that cause I have no idea. Well that's what he was doing when I went to bed.

There was a sudden silence. I laid there waiting for noise again but nothing. I smiled and closed my eyes slowly falling asleep.

"WE ARE NEVER EVER EVER GETTING BACK TOGETHER!" I heard Nash shout at the top of his lungs.

"Bitch dies now." I grumbled quietly as I tore the blankets off me and stormed out my bed room door and nearly broke Nashes down opening it.

Nashes room was trashed. His dresser drawers were hanging open and his clothes were everywhere. I mean it too there were a pair of his boxers on the ceiling fan. The blankets and pillows on his bed were on the floor.

Suddenly his closet door flew open and I started getting pletted with something. Nash was shooting me with a nerf gun. I threw a pillow at him.

"Go to be." I said holding back my rage.

He sat there for a second like I asked him a question. "No." He said like a little brat.

I took a deep breath in and let it out slowly.

"Nash it is twelve thirty you need to sleep." I stated with anger showing in my voice this time.

"Nash you need to shut up." Ryan said from behind me. When did he get here?

Nash glared at us. I got a good idea.

"I'll take your candy." I said.

Suddenly he jumped up and got in bed. "I'm sleeping I'm sleeping shhhhh." He said.

I shut his light off and closed his door and Ryan and I returned to bed and our girlfriends.



I woke up at six.

I am so tired Nash kept us up late and I just wanna sleep all day. I rolled onto my stomach hoping for sleep and I got it.

(This is her dream)

I was walking through a woods with Reese and Mady. We were going to meet the boys at some campsite they 'found' honestly (lolz) I'm pretty sure they just saw a spot and went oh let's tell them this was a campground. We came to an opening to a huge field surrounded by trees. We four tents in the distane we all started running to them.

We were sitting by the fir e and having a good time. We all were singing camefire songs a.k.a 'Party Rock Anthem.' (Don't we all just love when your dreaming something good and something amazing is about to happen when boom it switches up on you?) "We wrote a song for you girls." Ryan says. They open their mouths to start singing when all of a sudden I'm in the ocean. Literally there on an abandodned boat. I can't swim so I can't do a thing about it. I try yelling for help but no one hears.

Suddenly I turn into a mermaid and fall into the water. I'm swimming in a chocolate lake then. "Shakira." A tree says. "What?" I asked. "Hey Shakira." It says again.

I opened my eyes. "Hey Shakira it's time for breakfast." Jamie said. I give him a look.

"What?" He asked confused.

"Where you they talking tree in my dream?" I ask.

He gave me a weird look then busted out laughing before pulling me out of bed.

Today is gonna be a long day.


Just wanna apologize again that was uncalled for to not post for so long.

Anyways the fream thing lolz I had a dream about 1D last night and it was awesome but right before the coolest part happened it switched or I woke up idk I have bad memory.

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