Chapter 17

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                                                                               Chapter 17


I guess with Miley a few minutes means an hour. We've been waiting an hour and they put us in a holding cell because I told them Miley was coming.

Ian sat there nevously biting his lip. Ryan sat there looking rather uncomfortable because of how close Rydell was. Jamie was asleep his head on my shoulder. And then there's Nash who is standing there biting the bars. Does he think he can chew through it or something? This boy worries me.

Suddenly the large cop busted in the room he had a doughnut and Miley was with him. "Your free to go." The cop said as he unlocked the door. I woke Jamie up and we all hopped up and left. All except Nash. He looked at the cop. "Mr.Cop sir please can I have my corndog costume back?" He asked doing the puppy dog face. "No." The cop said bitterly. Nash got angry. "OKAY LISTEN TUBBY I BOUGHT THAT COSTUME AND IT COSTED ALOT AND YOU HAVE NO FUCKING RIGHT TO TAKE IT AWAY IT'S LIKE ME WALKING UP TO YOU AND GOING OH LOOK A JELLY DOUGH NUT I'M GONNA TAKE IT CAUSE I'M A FAT COP!" He shouted.

The cop stared at him blankly and took a bite of his doughnut. Nash smacked the doughnut out of his hand. The cop looked pissed. "TAKE IT AND GO!" The cop shouted as he threw Nashes costume at him.


We left the jail and were on our way back to the hotel. Miley is driving us. She doesn't seem to like us either. Shakira was sitting beside me staring out the window. I grabbed her hand. She turned to look at me suprised that I had grabbed her hand in the car with the boys packed in the back with us they were sure to find out.

I don't feel like hiding it anymore I don't care what they think about it. "Hey Captain Crunch!" Nash yelled at me. I looked at him weird. "Me?" I asked. "Yes you...What color do you preffer penguins?" He asked.

I'm pretty sure everyone gave him the same look I did. "Uh orange." I answered confused. "Cool I like them to be green or that I think about it maybe even pink." He stated.

Nash is definatly one of a kind.

We pulled up infornt of the hotel.


So I glance over at Jamie and Shakira and they are holding hands. What the fuck? I sthat what Ian is keeping from me?

We all got out of the car and Nash skipped up to the hotel like I five year old girl.

I really really really don't get that boy he's just very...odd.

We hopped in the elevator. I pushed three.

We were all talking. The elevator digged as we passed the floors.

Its stopped we stood there waiting for it to open.

I looked up it was on floor two.

"What the fuck?" I wispered as I pushed dorr open. Nothing happened.

Suddenly someone screamed like a girl. The awkward part is that it wasn't a girl it was Nash screaming.

Great I'm stuck in an elevator with a man that screams like a girl and is obssesed with corn dogs.

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