Chapter 25

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                                                                              Chapter 25


I woke up went the bus went over a bump and I fell off the couch. "Ugh." I groaned quietly as I checked the tim on my phone.

It was four thirty. "Oh for the love of fish sticks I'd get more sleep on a rollercoaster." I wispered.

I decided there was no use in getting back on the couch so I laid there on the floor and fell asleep again.


Is the driver driving over mountains? I thought as I checked my phone. It was six seventeen.

I closed my eyes tried to fall back to sleep. Nothing.

I laid there aimlessly. My stomach growled signaling me to get up and get food.

I slowly and carefully crawled out of bed I stood up and went to the kitchen area. On the floor by the couch was Shakira she must have fallen off.

I grabbed a random box of cereal and sat down beside her.

I got out my iphone remembering nobody knew I had a girlfriend yet so I took a picture of her sleeping on the floor beside me and posted it on Twitter.

Jamie Follese @Jamiefollese

@justanotherpickle3 Aww look at her sleeping on the floor so cute :)

I smiled went I looked at her she's definatly beautiful. Plus she loves us so she's a beautiful freak.

So many people commented on the picture.


@Jamiefollese who is that?


@Jamiefollese Is she the one who won the contest? Isn't she supposed to go home?


@Jamiefollese why is she on the floor?


@Jamiefollese EW! You can do waaaay me so text me love ;) 555-555-5555

I updated my status to, 'Her name is Shakira, yes she's the one who won the contest...and were dating. '

That got her alot of followers and alot of hate. I'm gonna have some explaining to do.

I went to reach my hand in to the cereal box when suddenly someone grabbed it away.

"This is my Chocolatey Suprize Puffs not yours!" Nash shouted.

"Nash shut your face." I spat.

"No your shut yours and definatly not with a handful of MY cereal NUBBY!" He spat back.

"What the fuck? Where do you get Nubby?" I asked.

Nash shurrged his shoulders as he reached into the box and pulled out a handful.

He didn't like them I could tell by the look on his face.

"EW!" He screamed as he threw the box at the wall and chocolate balls went everywhere.

Shakira moved a bit.

I watched Nash get a box of macceroni out. "IAN COME MAKE THIS!" He shouted.

"Ugh Nash shut the fuck up and go to be NOW!" He shouted back.

Nash filled up a pan with water and put it on the stove and turned it on. I watched as he put the box of macceroni in the pan.

"Nash your." He cut me off by yelling, "IAN JAMIE'S TRYING TO TELL ME HOW TO DO IT."

Ian didn't respond.

Shakira woke up.

"What the fudge poptarts are you doing?" She asked.

"Cooking." Nash replied.

"Your doing it wrong." I stated.

Nash looked at me.

"Are you the chef?"

"No but."

"Are you the motherfucking chef?" He asked anger in his voice.

"No but you are doing it wrong." I said really fast.

Nash screamed well more like screeched and took the macceroni box out and whipped it at my head. I ducked just in time. It hit the wall making a loud thud.

Ryan stormed out of the bed room area. He looked at Nash. "I suggest you shut the fuck up or we will tie you to a sign post and leave you there!" He shouted in Nashes face.

Beautiful Freakحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن