Chapter 27

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                                                                            Chapter 27

Three days later


It has gotten worse Nash is constantly starting shit and it always ends with Ian being pissed or Ryan crying. Jamie has about lost his mind so he decided that today we all go out and do something without eachother.

Ian decided to ride his motercycle around. Ryan decided to go clothes shopping and Nash decided to go to a bar. Jamie and I we are gonna go and see a movie and then go out to eat or go to the park. He said it's my choice so I decided the park.

"We all have to be back here by twelve tonight." Jamie said. "Call if your going to be late." He added.

And with that Ian, Ryan, and Nash left.

We stood there in an awkward silence.

"Alright so do you wanna chill here for a bit or get going the movie starts in two hours." He said.

"Um chill here for a bit it's not that far away right?" I asked.

"No just about a five minute walk." He said.

He walked over to the couch slowly and then plopped down. I patted the spot next to him and I came over and sat next to him.

He put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him.

I can't believe we've been dating three weeks." Jamie stated.

"Me too I never thought I'd ever meet you." I said.

He smiled. "I'm glad you met the way this has been one of the best three weeks ever." He said blushing.

I kissed him. I pulled away. "Same here." I said. I started to sit back again but he stopped me by pulling me back and giving me another kiss. It turned into a makeout session well until the tour bus driver walked in. We sat there awkwardly while he got a pop from the fridge and left.

As soon as he walked outJamie grabbed me and pulled me into a kiss. I was still in disbelief that I was actually kissing Jamie Follese. He statered to to lean me back so I was on my back and he was on top of me. This was probably the most amazing moment in my life ever.

Once again the door opened and this time in walked a very angry looking Nash.

Once he saw us he was looking rather annoyed. "Seriously this is what happens after I get kicked out of the bar and then you guys think its okay to makeout on the couch." He groaned.

"Let's go to the park." Jamie said as he jumped off of me. He grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door after we had our shoes on. Nash would definatly start something.

We walked hand and hand to the park. When we got there it was empty probably because it was lunch time. I let go of Jamies hand and ran to the big playset and went down the slide. Then I ran over and jumped on the swing. Jamie laughed. His laugh was so adorable.

"Your such a kid." He stated. "Yes and I love it it's so much fun." I stated. He walked up to me and sat on me. "AH I'm being sat on help!" I shouted playfully. "Hmm this swing feels weird I wounder why." Jamie said trying to sound clueless. I statred to swing well tried to  swing he was kinda heavy.

"Oh it's magical it swings by itself!" He said excitedly. I wrapped my arms around him.

"AH OCTOCPUS SWING!" He shouted. I tried to swing again this time I managed to get it to move. Jamie tried to help too. Finally we got it going enough. He leaned back against me as we swung back and forth. I leaned back too which wasn't a good idea. We fell off the swing. My back hit the ground and then Jamies back slammed into me. The boy is skinny but damn he weighs more than he looks.

He quickly got off of me. I was struggling to breathe. "Oh my gosh are you okay?" He asked sounding rather panicked. "Yea." I croaked out. He started to help me up. My back hurt really bad I winced in pain. Jamie looked like he felt terrible.

"I am so freaking sorry I know I weigh alot please forgive me." He begged. "Chill drummer boy I'm not mad." I said with my voice a tiny bit raspy.

"I hope this makes it up to you." He said as he kissed me on the lips. He pulled me into his lap so it ws easier for  him to kiss me.

I put my hands in his hair it was so soft so I started to pet it.

I felt him smile and he pulled away. "Are you petting my hair?" He asked as he held back a laugh.

"Possibly." I said with a grin. He just kissed me again.


The movie was funny it was some kinda of romantic comedy thing I don't know I didn't really pay attention I was to busy thinking about my adorable boyfriend. I was just in shock he liked me. I mean this has got to be a dream cause there's no way that this is happening. Heck this wouldn't even happen in my dream.

The dinner was amzing to Jamie and I just get into the craziest conversations ever and I never lose intrest. He could talk about the history of Canada and I would still be intrested. I think it's the sound of his voice.


We arrived back to the tour bus at 10:37. It was deserted.


Thank God nobody is here.

I walked back to the bedroom area and so did Shakira. I flopped down on the tiny bed and she did too. There wasn't much room though it's only made for one person.

I watched Shakira as she laid there. She hadn't noticed me and she closed her eyes. I crawled on top of her. "Hello my dear." I said quietly. She opened her eyes and laughed then our eyes met.

We had been kissing for at least an hour and I am shirtless.  I heard the door open. I paused quickly pulling away and yanking the covers up over me so they couldn't see my shirtlessness. In walked Ian he didn't notice us right away. He put something on Nashes bed then he turned and saw us. He let out a really loud scream. It was funny you should have seen his face.

"When did you guys get here?" He asked.

"Uh an hour ago." Shakira said.

Ian looked at me for a second. Then he smirked. "So Jamerella what has been happening in here?" He asked slyly.

"Nothing." I said calmly hoping he would notice my shirt.

"Are you cold?" He asked.

"Kind of." I replied.

Then he grabbed the covers and ripped them off of me.

"Ha shirtless!" He shouted.

I blushed of embaressment.

"So you were strpping for her?" He asked raising an eyebrow and smirking.

"No." I replied.

"Then why are you half naked?" He asked.

I laid there for a second thiking of what to say. "Um...cause I got hot." I said quietly.

"Everyones excuse." He said and then he walked out of the room smiling.


So I started another new story lolz I hope u guys read it. :p

P.s. I never knew that flyswatters were so dangerous...I found out today when my sister was screwing around with one today that they can cut a watermelon.

So thank you for reading. XD

Beautiful FreakHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin