Chapter 46

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They all were staring at my i felt uncomfortable.

"Well...WHO COULD SAY NO TO THAT!" I shouted as i jumped up.

They all jumped about a foot into the air.

Jamie got up and started doing some awkward dance. We all stared and once he realized his smiled faded into embaressment as he started blushing.

We all laughed.

"Well go get your stuff packed before the bacon leaves." Nash said.

I nodded feeling very conserned about that boy he was missing a few screws...oh who am I kidding he's missing most of them.

I ran into my room and grabbed my big suit case. I threw in all of my clothes, shoes, blankets, and pillows. I was fast.

"So when are we leaving?" I asked as I appeared in the living room.

"Five." Ian said.

"What's five?" Nash asked.

"When we are leaving." Ian said.

"Say it in Nashese so I understand." Nash demaned.

Ian sighed. "Derp an angel jen taken plangel te lastenagel doski ti ti."

"Shay ta fanna ploo." Nash said happily.

"What. The. Actual. Fuck." Miley said looking at them weird.

Ian sighed again. "He made up his own launguage." He explained.

She nodded slowly.


"That ment make some fucking corn dogs or I'll barf rainbows everywhere!" Nash shouted.

"You make them lazy." Miley said.

"Say it in Nashese." Nash growled.

"Oh I'm sorry I'm sorry...Get your lazy fliggen ass off the fluffin couch and make the yourself bub." She said almost shouted. She didn't like Nash.

Nash muttered some words under his breathe that sounded like. "Sheba toe caneetoe."

"Sorry he's a work in progress." Ryan said.

"Progress." Miley said,

"Yes he can count to five without losing focus now." Ian said.

"He also knows that running down the street naked after an ice cream truck is wrong too." Jamie added.

"Those poor kids." Ian said.

We sat there and laughed about awkward moments with Nash till he walked in with ten corndogs. He had taken a bite out of all of them. He was gonna get sick.

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