"What's wrong?"
I then twirl myself around in my chair and find him looking anxious.
"...I want...I want to tell my dad...About us."
My stomach soon got butterflies as I look down at my fingers, finding my diamond ring glistening and my smile comes back.

He nods, "Of course, I mean...He's my dad. He should know the woman I'm marrying."
I chuckle, "Right...Well, when? Tomorrow?"
"Yeah...and I want you to come with me."
I raise my brows in shock, "actually?"

He snickers and comes back to me as he motioned for me to get up and we head over to our room, "...I'm not gonna tell him without you."
I then laugh as he picked me up to throw me on the bed, laying atop me he lays his head against my chest and I rack my fingers in his hair.
"Yeah...But, of course, I'll go with you."

"You ready?"
I nod as I fixed my hair in a braid and he awaits for me to hold his hand as we walked out to the car.
I had noticed when I'd peek a look at Adrien, he seemed to be nervous. Even tapping his fingers against the door. Or speeding and slowing while driving.
I collect his hand to stop his tapping, placing kisses on his knuckles, and as he parked I stop him before he could get out, "Hey," he turns to me, and I stroke his cheek, "take a deep breath..."
He does and I smile as I stole a quick kiss, "I'm right by you ok? In and out..."

His lips curl into a small smile and pull me in for another kiss as we finally got out.

I could feel Adrien tremble slightly in my hand... squeezing it, he seemed to snap out.
After we signed in, I suddenly felt a bit nervous as well.
Adrien usually came to visit him, I remember the first few days I came to visit to support Adrien.
It was pretty rough, seeing that his dad was clearly sick mentally and it wasn't something Adrien was supposed to handle alone.
But I then told him to try coming alone and create a better; healthier bond between the two.
He didn't like the idea but he did notice it working.

He knocked on his door and opened it as we heard Gabriel answer for us to open.
"...Adrien, how are you?"
I smile softly as I close the door while they hugged.
"Alright, you?"
Gabriel chuckles lightly and I find him to have more color, clearly looking healthy.
I then wave as his eyes came to me, "Good, good...Marinette, long time no see..."

"Good morning, Mr. Agreste. How are you?"
He comes over, shocked that I was embraced in a hug, I hesitate to hug back but do as a chuckle escaped my lips.

"Good...come. Have a seat you two... What's going on? I thought I'd see you next week."
I sit and Adrien paces a little before I pull on his jacket for him to sit.
He does and sighs as he begins to speak, "I wanted to tell you some news..."
I find his fingers and play with my ring, my cheeks flushing when Gabriel asked him what it was.

"...What is it? Everything alright?"
"Very..." Adrien then smiled at me, I give one back as Gabriel looked a bit lost.
"...Is it...A baby?"
I flush completely as Adrien laughs, "At the moment no, haha..."
Gabriel only fixed his glasses with an apology. I shake my head a small chuckle and Adrein continues, "Father...We're getting married."
Gabriel then smiles with a soft chuckle, clearly embarrassed by himself he gets up.
"Haha! I should've waited for you to speak first. Congratulations to you both."
He comes to hug us again and find Adrien's grip tighter on my hands, "We've...we've been engaged for a while. And...our wedding is next week."

He steps back in shock, "Already. You must love this girl deeply..."
"Very much...But father,"
I touch gently on his shoulders, finding they were stiff and he lets them fall and lose the tension.
Gabriel hummed waiting for Adrien to finish, I eye him and find him choking on his words.
Rubbing his back, I whisper to him to take a breath.

He does and straightened his back, "...I want you to come."
"You're allowed to leave with a supervisor...I don't see why you can't come...Aunt Amelie is also coming, she'd love to see you..."
I peck Adrien's shoulder as I noticed that that whole sentence was what was eating him up.

Gabriel then took his glasses off, seeming to think as he scrunched his nose.
I bite the inside of my cheek hoping this wouldn't go south.

"...Adrien, I... can't believe you're inviting me...After all the shit I've put you guys through..."
Adrien then sighed heavily, but I watch as Adrien wasn't done trying, "If you want to, I'll get my men to pick you up."

Gabriel kept silent and I find Adrien shaking his head, getting up and he motioned for me to as well, "It's alright, I just wanted to invite you...Just let me know if you can or not-"
"Adrien...I didn't say no..."

I stop Adrien from walking away when my smile came back and I find Gabriel with a small smile as well.
"...I don't want to force you-"
"You're not forcing anyone...I will go...Send me all the details and I will be there. I wouldn't miss my son getting married..."
His eyes then meet mine and I grin.

"... I'll send a car to get you then...Thank you."
"No...thank you, son...It is set then, I will see you there..."
Adrien finally smiles, "...Right, well stay hydrated-"
"I brought some fruit as well..." I cut Adrien off and being to pull out the container in my bag.
Handing it over to him, he thanks me.
"Haha...What a lovely girl you are...Thank you, and congratulations again."

"That went well..."
Adrien stayed silent, a small smile on his lips.
I play with my hair when I find us stopped in front of, "...why are we here?"
"To get breakfast."
"...At my old job?"
I snicker.

He unbuckled his seatbelt and we both head out.
"Yup, come..."
He takes my hand and as we enter, I find my old boss.
She seemed like she was about to leave when she caught my eye and she squeals heading over to me.

Basically jumping on me and almost bawled our eyes out when soon she showered me and Adrien with treats and drinks.
I nod with a blush as Adrien smiles at me.
"Holy shit...Congratulations you two, that's just another two free coffees for ya...To the newlyweds!"

I flush completely when Adrien's arm wrapped around me once again and kissed my head, "finally..."
I laugh at him and he only takes my lips, soon hearing cheers and 'oohs' around us.

"Cheers to the Mr. and Mrs. Agreste!"

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