TUA as things i've heard people say

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"I just don't think I'm treated right. I mean, I have a loving boyfriend, my parents are happily married, I get on well with my brother, I just can't believe some people think I'm a bitch."
(Credit: My school's head bitch)

"Get out of my way or I'll stab you."
(Credit: My friend to her dog that is always laying in doorways)

"Please just fucking stop crying."
(Credit: My sister when she "accidentally" punched our younger brother in the face)

"Wait! Who the fuck touched my Doritos? Whom the fuck?!"
(Credit: My sister)

"Because I'm better than you. Shut up."
(Credit: My Chemistry teacher after I asked him why he has a locked cupboard full of snacks in his classroom)

"Boo! I'm dead! Well, dead inside at least."
(Credit: B-O-R-E-D-1-2-3 )

"I forgot to eat for the 4th time in 5 days. I'm okay."
(Credit: My friend who is fucking fabulous but needs to learn how to look after herself)

"Is that a... no! Oh that's so cool! I need to do it... Shit! I need money!"
(Credit: My cousin when we passed a fancy ass ice cream place that gave you free ice cream for a year if you could eat your body weight in mint choc chip)

"Will someone help me out here before I punch this idiot?"
(Credit: My reaction to my cousin almost throwing up from eating way too much ice cream)

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