Winchesters on Surveillance: 2013

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The Quinjet lowers to the ground slowly on a quiet beach. A meter or so in the air, Natasha and Clint speed out of the back door on motorbikes, each has a duffel bag across their shoulder. The pair skid to a halt in the sand and turn and watch as the jet rises into the air and disappears.

"You remember your address?" Clint raises an eyebrow.

"Of course. I quite liked the apartment in Istanbul." Natasha snaps the visor down on her helmet. "Don't be afraid to make some noise, Clint - we want them to know we're here."

"Sure thing." Clint snaps his visor down and follows as Natasha rides toward the road.

They enter a small village, a market takes place in the high street with many stalls and people littering the road.

"Here wouldn't be a bad place to start." Clint hints through the coms, kicking over a crate of fruit as he rides through.

"Let's get them talking." Natasha takes out a pole from a stall as she passes, causing the marquee above to collapse on to the produce. Angry locals shout at her as Clint follows through.


Natasha and Clint walk quickly up the stairs to her flat, she flicks through keys as she approaches the door. She sticks a key into the lock and turns it slowly. A panel on the door retracts and a fingerprint scanner appears. Natasha presses her thumb and then the door opens.

The rest of the team sit and stand in various places across the living room.

"Nice place you got, I do have a few tips to make it more... homely." Tony stands to greet the duo.

"You get here okay?" Steve looks at Natasha.

"We ruffled a few feathers. If they didn't know I was here before, they do now. Were you guys seen?"

"No. No one knows about us. Only you two. The perks of teleportation." Castiel walks in.

"Shall we make our next move?" Sam asks.

"We can't do anything until they've made theirs. We need ears in the streets to get word of their whereabouts." Clint looks around the room.

"It can't be either of us two." Natasha points between herself and Clint. "Tony's off the cards, they've seen Cas. We can't risk The Hell Raisers getting their hands on the Hulk." She looks at Sam, Dean and Steve.

"Sounds good." Steve stands. "We'll spread word that Jennifer Holt and her new boyfriend are in town."

"Hold on Cap, you've got fans global. There's no point risking you getting seen." Bruce objects.

Steve sits back down, accepting Bruce's comment.

"We need a particular code to get info? You know this is the first time we've left the country?" Dean looks up at Natasha.

"Just keep your ears open and the information will come to you."


It's night, Sam and Dean lean against the walls of an alley outside a bar. Dean struggles to light a cigar, shielding the flame from the wind with his hand.

"Since when do you smoke cigars?" Sam rolls his eyes.

"Since when can I come to Turkey and not smoke cigars?" Dean inhales, then splutters loudly. He offers the cigar to Sam who shakes his head.

"Cuba. Cuba is famous for cigars. Not Turkey." Sam looks away. As he does, he notices a man and a young boy chatting across the street.

He lowers his voice. "Hey, Dean. Take a look."

Dean looks over at the two. The child gets the man to crouch down and he whispers something in his ear for a while.

"This has got to be something, right?" Sam looks at Dean.

"It has to be. We've been traipsing the city for at least a couple hours by now."

The man across the street stands straight and puts his hand in his pocket. He hands the boy a bunch of coins and then walks away. The boy turns and starts walking toward the alley that Sam and Dean are in.

Sam steps back into the alley. "Ok, this is it. What are we going with?"

"I don't know." Dean looks wide eyed.

Sam notices the boy stood at the edge of the alley looking at them and walks past Dean toward him. He crouches in front of the already skeptical child.

"Hey, you got any info? You speak English?" Sam says politely, trying not to scare the boy.

The boy shakes his head and tries to walk past Sam. Sam panics and puts his hands on the boys shoulders to keep him where he is. The boy shakes his head more quickly.

"Hey, kid?" Dean calls from a few meters behind Sam. The boy looks over at him.

Dean holds three notes in his hand. "It's yours if you tell us what you told the other guy."

The boy looks from the notes to Sam, who smiles.


A knock at the door prompts Natasha's eyes to open instantly. Each member of the team had taken turns watching the door but she'd not been able to sleep regardless of who's turn it was.

She sits up from where she was lying on the living room floor to see Castiel heading over to open the door.

"Who is it?" She whispers.

"Not sure." Castiel looks skeptical as he disappears for a moment. He reappears with Sam and Dean.

Sam looks at Natasha, concerned. "They know you're here."

"Good." Natasha smiles.

Dean swallows hard. "And they've put a million dollar bounty on your head. Or your body rather... Dead or alive."

"Anything for me?" Clint enters the living room fully suited up.

"Nah they don't seem too fussed about you." Dean grins sarcastically.

"If they don't know where you are, doesn't that prove they aren't vampires?" Tony adds, drawing attention to where he lies on the couch. "You know, the whole blood thing?"

"It was only Tekin that had my scent... And Devin." Natasha looks down for a moment. "None of the others can track me as they haven't come into contact with my blood."

"Right. I never thought vampire rules would be so confusing." Tony rolls his eyes.

"So what's the plan?" Steve chimes in.

"I enter the base, see whether they have a beef with me or whether they are against SHIELD. See whether they're all vampires or whether the other two we dealt with were just contracted. Basically get as much info as possible while they think I'm alone and then I'll radio for you guys to come in." Natasha looks round the group. "Everyone understand?"

"Is that not a bit... dangerous?" Bruce grimaces. "What are the chances they turn Hulk into a Gamma-Vampire?"

"You're piloting the jet, Bruce. We're not risking that happening." Clint sits down.

"Do you not feel the same about the rest of us Barton? Do we not matter to you?" Tony pushes.

"Shut up, twonk." Clint forcibly smiles back. "Lets kick some vampire butt."

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