Tell Him Everything: 2013

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The jet landed on the helicarrier, and slowly made its way into the hangar. Clint watched anxiously as the back door lowered and Fury carried a barely conscious Natasha out in his arms.

Clint had kept his distance initially, unsure of how to handle the situation - he'd never heard Fury sound so worried over someone's condition. He was scared of what he might see.

Once he locked eyes on Fury and Natasha he immediately ran over, unable to keep back. "Shit..." He whispered, catching up to Fury.

A medical team with a gurney approached the trio, but Nick shook his head. "That'll take too long. I'll take her straight into the surgery room."

Nick picked up the pace and Clint jogged to keep up.

"Nick, what happened? What's going on?" Clint struggled to contain his emotions. "Why's she like this?"

"I can't explain it right now Barton. Not here. I'll brief you in my office once she's in surgery."

"Surgery?" Clint stopped as Nick stepped into an elevator.

"I'll brief you shortly." The doors closed between Nick and Clint.

Nick looked down at Natasha. She looked more peaceful than before, although her eyebrows furrowed occasionally as she fought pain.

"Am I okay to brief Barton on the details?" Nick asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah." She whispered. Natasha's eyes stayed closed. "Tell him everything."

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