Booby Trap: 2012

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Natasha's head was pounding and she ached all over, she had only just regained consciousness but had kept her eyes closed, trying to suss out the situation before alerting anyone else around that she was awake. She could hear the faint noise of a TV in a nearby room, the rustling of a food packet and someone talking on the phone over the TV. She listened into the conversation.

"Yeah, she's fine... She came pretty close but I've dressed the wounds and she should make a good recovery with plenty of rest... I've not healed her, no... Well she's skilled, if she went for me in this state it would be easier to stop her without injuring her too badly... No I don't expect her to attack me, but we've not exactly met... You're the ones that have had me on surveillance duty for the past week... She was retrieving a flash drive... No it's safely hidden... No I'm not getting you a fridge magnet... I'll talk later."

The voice stopped and the TV was turned off, Natasha heard approaching footsteps as she felt around her for any weapons, anything she could use to defend herself.

"I know you're awake." The voice was close to her face, startling her briefly.

"For the love of God." she blurted out, wincing as her body jumped in surprise, she opened her eyes to see Castiel stood over her. She saw she was on a couch and tried to sit up before realising that her arm was virtually useless.

"You know him?" Castiel asked, surprised by her outburst and choice of words.

"Know who?" She awkwardly pushed herself up against the arm of the couch with her one good arm.

Castiel realised his misinterpretation and shook his head, "Sorry my mistake. How are you feeling?"

"Fantastic." She closed her eyes and let her head fall back on the arm of the couch, exhaling deeply.

"Really? You seem to be in quite a lot of pain."

"Sarcasm, Angel boy. Google it." He gave her a confused expression. "Wow. You really aren't from around here are you?" She opened one eye to look at him. "Got any painkillers around here?"

"Are you going to try and kill me?" Castiel asked, deadly serious. He didn't want to help her if she was going to try and fight him.

"Straight to the point huh? I guess that's a good thing. But uh... no, actually. I guessed we were on the same side." She swung her legs off the couch and to the floor in an effort to stand. "Shit." She groaned. "Hurts like a bitch." She looked at the bandage that was wrapped round her thigh, blood starting to leak through.

Castiel raised an eyebrow, he didn't remember anything like a female dog attacking this strange woman. It must have been that 'sarcasm' she referenced, Dean used it all the time. Sarcasm... Such a weird thing.

"If we're on the same side I can heal y-"

"No." Natasha interrupted, standing awkwardly and limping toward the kitchen of the flat they were in. She didn't recognise it but sensed they were still in Turkey. "It's more believable if I turn up a mess... They'll be easier to persuade." She opened a cupboard and found a pill bottle, emptying four or five pills into her hand and then into her mouth and putting the bottle in her jacket pocket.

"You won't make it back to America in that state." Castiel replied.

"How do you know? Plus, who says I'm going back there?" She approached him, her face inches away from his.

Supernatural Management Division: A Marvel Avengers x Supernatural CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now