Chapter 9

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Footsteps couldn't be heard with the clinking of the glass plates. I had already showered, and Len threw my black tights at me. Why, you ask?

"Len! Bastard! I'm naked! Get out!"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Hahaha!"

"No you're not, perv! Leave!"

And you can infer the rest. Anyway, I snagged on Len's white Ed Sheeran tour shirt, my tights and my soft socks. I never imagined walking to be this difficult; it's walking for crying out loud! But even if I wanted to, I couldn't loosen my grip to the stair railing, I couldn't push my feet any faster, and I couldn't stop sweating. I can't tell if I'm nervous or scared at this point, or both, and it took me 25 minutes to make it to the kitchen door pane.

I combed my washed hair 50 times, I applied eye liner for once (more questioning towards Len), I brushed my teeth, and I mentally prepared myself for what was to come.

Oh boy.

"Tonight's dinner is ravioli pasta, green bean salad, and... Rin!" I look towards Fentina, who was once facing Marther and setting down plates but is now facing me. I looked towards Len afterward but his back was facing me.

"Princess! I was so worried-"

"Save it."

This was going to be more awkward than I thought. Once I took a look at my giant ex-father, those memories came back. It was unfamiliar and he is uncomfortable.

He doesn't even respond, he just looks at me gloomily with a smile that would break many hearts at once.

Not my own.

Fentina, unlike my mom, didn't say anything. She just sits the food on the table and allows us to take our stomach's wishes.

I took a small amount out of kindness, but as soon as I took a bite out of the ravioli dish, my eyes grew bigger than my stomach. I never realized how hungry I am! I started to take more to fill up my plate until I felt satisfied, and once I did that I stuffed my mouth like a guy at the last dinner.

"Are you hungry?" Len asks, chuckling to himself silently. I was about to insult him but then his stomach growled like a whale's mating call, and I had to laugh instead. Len ended up laughing too and soon our laughter was harmonizing throughout the room.

"I haven't seen you this happy since that very day." I heard Marther say, and I slowly started to calm down. "Rin, listen; I know you're not happy with me and my decision, but we need to talk. Your mother didn't send me here either."

I was about to decline but I decided to let it go. I should let him speak, right? I do have a few questions I want to ask him...

I stand up and drop my fork into the table, leaving the delicious food behind and walking up to Len's room. I turned around to see if he followed and like an old man it took him maybe 10 minutes to enter. He closed the door and I folded my hands.

"Shall you go first, princess? I know you don't like me right now." He asks with plea, and I roll my eyes. "If you're going to apologize, I'm not going to forgive you. You left me. You left mom. You left your home. You left Japan. If you think I'm going to forgive you even for the slightest second, rethink what you're going to tell me."

I spoke with neutral sound, trying to withold my posture despite feeling like jello on the inside. He sighs and I walked to turn on the light. I faced him again and for a split second it looked like he was crying. "No, Rin, I'm not here to apologize. I can't forgive myself, so what makes me think you will too? I just want to be able to answer your questions. That's all."

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