Chapter 4

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I'm screaming in horror, literally about to pee my pants from fear. The room is dark and it's so stuffy I'm sweating, but the hand was still on my mouth and another was locking the door. Oh my god; I'm going to get killed in a school closet!!

Maybe that wasn't the case, but when you're scared; do you honestly think the best case scenario? Yeah, I didn't think so. I'm trying to scream my freaking lungs to pop and yet the sound was covered by the stupid hand- and my scream is high pitched. That's not easy to cover! I grew fatigued as a few minutes passed, so the thief decided to put their hand down. I was going to scream again but something had kissed me-


Wait, the lips felt so... Familiarly soothing. I found myself kissing back, and before you know it I'm drowned in the kiss, kissing their lips back. I could get murdered or raped and I wouldn't even care. Soon I reached my tongue to the person's lips and they gave way for it to dance with theirs. This was the best feeling ever, and yet the kiss felt... So, very familiar.

Soon the thief pushed back and I groan in displeasure. I couldn't even scream any more, my mind is too calm for any alarming reaction. The figure turned on the small lightbulb in the closet and my eyes widened so much that they could've fallen off at any moment. And I have big eyes already, okay? The light wasn't bright enough to illuminate the whole room but it gave both of our eyes a rest from the dark. Despite the ease, though, my eyes aren't going to rest yet.


At first I blush, and I just wanted to throw my hands around her neck and kiss her seductively- but then realization took over and frustration was kicking in. I wanted to bust her pretty face open and yell with all of my might at her for manipulating me and leading me on that way. As I couldn't put myself to do that, I purse my lips together in embarrassment as I realize I just French kissed Miku Hatsune.

And then she's smiles.

Thanks, Miku, that makes me feel so much better! I had so many thoughts in my head that no single word can escape my mouth. Miku, I'm assuming the same, just looked me in the face, waiting to see what I would do. With all of this sinking in, I just had to blow my pipe. I'm so exhausted from my mix of emotions that I just had to say something. Anything. Questions for answers.

"What the flying fuck?!" I yell, not even caring that I just swore. Miku blushed at my foul language and I blush even more. "I needed to talk to you! Rin, calm down! I just needed to get you alone so I can talk to you in person!" All the happy feelings from our kiss wiped away as anger took over. For like, the hundredth time. "THEN WHY IN THE WIDE WIDE WORLD OF EARTH DIDN'T YOU JUST ASK ME?!" I scream, my eyes possibly popping out of my eye sockets. Miku looked away, blushing.

"First you kiss me for no reason like the slut that you are, then you go and make a get-together at a freaking SCIENCE FAIR, then you go and bring up Yian and that dumbass Jake, then you refuse to actually attend the damn thing just for me, and then you leave anyway just to have me scared out of my wits! Are you mad?!" I scream, not even knowing who I'm talking to anymore. I could hear Miku's sharp gasp, but she didn't refuse. No, I think I just made her cry.

Instead of apologizing for my behavior and comforting her like the best friend I should be, I just keep going. "You flirt with guys and then flirt with me, you have a good time and pretend I'm not there, and you even go as far as KISSING me when I didn't even roll that way! And you think that's okay?! You think that's okay, Miku, to play with my heart and then drop it likes it's your god damn game boy?! You think I'm willing to forgive you for making me fall in love with you? Huh?!" I spit, tearing up from my harsh words.

I couldn't stop myself. Days after days of my thoughts pilling in my head, I just couldn't find the way to stop. I needed to get everything out of my system. "For years you've treated me like a friend and then all of a sudden you're some popular 17 year old chick who- who just goes and fuck the school's population! And then of all the things- you target me! Do you think that's fair? Because I have spent so much time wondering if it'll be worth it. And I spent too much time killing myself over you. So what? Do you hate me? Do you love me? Are you planning to drop me dead?" I started to tear up at my anger, which made me feel bad because I didn't want to cry. I just couldn't bring myself to an end.

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