Chapter 1

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She kissed me.

What the hell was she doing, kissing me of all people?!

I pushed her back. "Gosh, Miku, I don't even roll that way!" I said angrily, my mind whirring with incomplete thoughts. Miku looked so embarrassed that her eyes shined with water. Miku is my friend... What came over her? She looked away as I scoffed, walking away from her.

All of this happened yesterday, and I still couldn't sleep. I check the time on my phone to record it into my brain momentarily. 1:08. I grunt and drop my head onto my pillow. I was suppose to be in Dream Land three hours ago! My eyes feel drowsy, my body longs to rest, but I couldn't put myself to sleep. Perhaps my brain is awake. Because that's exactly what's going on. I sit up in my bed and look at my phone again. I have an idea on why I can't sleep, and I'm about to prove it, too. Wiping my face, I grab my phone (a little too eagerly) and dial Miku's number.

Just as it rang, my heart started to pound. I grew anxious, thinking this was a bad idea. When Miku picked up, which shocked me, she sounded sleepy and relaxed. "Hello?" She said. "Miku, come to my apartment." I hear her about to say something but I hang up. I don't need a conversation; I need clarification. I lie back down in my bed, wondering if what I just did was real or not.

I was about to snooze off until I heard the door bell. Miku lives about 40 minutes away from me, so the action that occurred didn't shock me so much. I shake my head and bounce off my bed. I was in my white shirt and black shorts, straightening both pieces of fabric before opening the door. Miku was there in a creamy-white t-shirt and green onions were everywhere on her pants. Her twin-tails were a mess and the shirt was so lazy-like that it kind of turned me on. How? Don't ask, I don't know.

"I was like, 'who is calling me at 1?' Then you hung up and I had to check the caller ID in my sleep." Miku says before she yawns. "I hope I'm not dreaming." Before she could say any more, I punch her lips with mine, lip locking them together. Miku stumbles into the hallway as I grab her arms, easing down my kiss as I felt that spark in my body. I have only kissed one person on the lips in my life time with that same spark, and that was two years ago. But this one... I wanted more. Luckily for me, Miku got out of her paralysis and kissed me back, getting the memo. I refrained from continuing to kiss her. I search Miku's beautiful sea green eyes. I didn't call her over here to make out with her. I needed to know what this is and I needed to know now.

"That was... Whoa..." Miku said, her eyes wild with her voice high on shock. "Read my eyes. What do they say?" I tell her, nervous of the answer. Miku smirks and grabs my hands, bringing them to her waist. "They are dancing, excitement written with each stroke of color. They are wondering, curious and questioning." Miku lets go of my hands and smiles innocently, using her poetic tongue to throw me off my tracks. If that's the case, then I think I...

No... I know I have a fling for Miku.

That diva.

"That's when they're the best to look at." She says, grabbing my hand again. She's so touchy all of a sudden. "So what, you dragged me out here just to kiss me?" Miku says playfully, and I roll my eyes. 'I'm smarter than that, ya fool!' I mentally scream at her. "Do you even like me?" I ask, shifting in my position. Miku has complained about me being so up front and straight forward, but that's because I like solving my issues quickly. Her eyes widen, then she smiles innocently. "Of course I do." Her eyes glimmered. "That's not enough, Miku." I say, and I put my guard up. She frowns. "I'm confused."

"You kissed me yesterday. I don't know why, but you did. Now it's messing with my brain." Miku interrupts me by breezing her hand up my arm. I wasn't looking at her until that happened, and now I shot a bloody look at her. "So you liked it?" Miku said, tilting her head so she can meet with my eyes. She's taller than me, of course. I blush. "I- maybe. But I'm not stupid. You've gone and done a lot of frisky things with a bunch of other boys." Miku frowned again, and this time her eyes dimmed.

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