Chapter 21

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The party continues on into the night and I still can't find Bailey.

"I feel so bad, it's so terrible..." I say to myself, and surprisingly Miku nods at my response. "I would suggest splitting up but I don't exactly know what she looks like, or if she's not wearing a mask..."

I look around the room and it just seems like everyone wanted to dress up like a Mardi Gras Vendetta... And I groan. "I want to apologize to her for using her like that but... It's like she's a ghost!" I scream, getting a few looks this way. Miku taps on my shoulder and pointed to Len. "Ask Len!" Miku says, then as I face him, she pulls for me to face her. "Hey, then meet me back stage. I have a surprise for you." She runs off into the dancing people without further explanation, and I quietly inhale.

Then I focus on my target, and run quickly to catch him. As soon as I got closer, I rendered that action useless seeing that he's surrounded by more girls. This time, it's more disgusting. "Len! Can you tell your cats to keep their paws off your fish stick for one measley second? There are teachers here!" I say, and the girl who was kissing him and rubbing his crotch jolted up. The other girl just gave me a look. Len looked at me, then to the girls, then sighs. "Sorry ladies. Give me one second." He then rudely squeezes through their space and up to me. "Coma estas mi amor? Cepasa?" He says, hoping the girls heard him. "First of all, your Spanish sucks." I tell him, then I rolled my eyes as the girls giggled at him. "Have you seen Bailey?" I ask, and Len shrugs. "I don't know, all I know is that this party is sick! And that punch throw that you did totally roared up the place!" He yells smiling, and I blush. "Oh, thanks anyway." Then I kneed his dick. "Aha!!!" He cried with his hands on his crotch, and I walked off. "Perverted dickwod."

I continued to search for Bailey, but with my eyes. My body felt summoned to go to where Miku is, so my mind went there, but my guilty conscious continued to look for Bailey.

"Rin, back here!" Called out a curly haired dude, and I went to his direction.

"Do I know you?" I question, meaning to ask "how he knew my name". "Nope, but I know I've seen you wondering about a few times in the hallway. Name's Kiro." He motions me to go into the dressing room, and that's where I see Miku in the most perfect white dress. It was jewelled with green sequences on the top, and the white fabric swirled down to her legs effortlessly. Honestly, that has to be my favorite outfit she has worn all night. And her hair was tied into one ponytail that began to braid itself. "Rin!" She calls, then she stands up from her chair (-and away from the teenagers that were putting on her make-up) and she planted a kiss on my cheek. That made me blush, but I shake it off.

"Look, try this on," Miku said, handing me a dress. "Um... I'm already wearing a really expensive one, though..." I say, feeling guilty of not wearing it the whole night, since that's what it's made for. "Hm..." Miku moaned, looking at her dress then at mine. "I think that'll work, then!" She smiles, then she faces the girls. "Do her make-up, I'll go and set up the mood!" Miku says, then she hurries to the back-stage. My eyes widen. "Wait, what?"

Then the girls quickly sit me down, and patted my face with foundation.

" I think this shade of brown would work perfectly with the dress," "oh yes, and black liquid eyeliner!", "oh, she'll look like the painted pages of a manga!", "oh, try this shade of pink on her lips!", "I think we should use red lipstick," and the girls go on and on about my face paint, making me wonder about why girls do this. It's such a waste of effort.

"Sorry about the inconvenience," Miku says on the stage, making me wonder what's going on again. "But now I'm ready to perform my last song tonight, but with a special guest!" I open my eyes and the girl who was putting eyeliner on me jolted away from my face. "Lady, we have to finish," the brunette says, and the blonde next to her nods. I groan impatiently, then close my eyes. What is she doing?

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