Chapter 19 (Part 1/2)

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"Hey, Rin. How are you? Have you been resting since yesterday?"

"Oh, yeah, you can say that. Look, Len, I just want to thank you for everything that you've done for me."

"No problem, no problem! I know this has been very hard for you, for the last couple of days. But hey, there's so much to look forward to!"

With the phone to my ear, my mind was racing with thoughts to the point where I only heard Len's voice. I dialed his number with one thing on my mind: that dance.
"Oh, sure, definitely." I said, crossing my tight-covered legs. I was wearing my favorite ripped shirt with shorts and stockings, just in case my idea doesn't work.

"Is everything alright?" Len says, catching onto my distraction. "Well... Not... Exactly..." I say, curling my toes and itching my head. "I have a favor I want to ask you." I can tell Len's eyebrows raised. "Oh? My ears are open." I sigh, and turn to face the mirror that hangs in the walkway of Len's apartment. "Well... After everything we have been through in the last 48 hours, I don't think you want to hear this coming from me, but... Can you be my date for the party?"

There was a silence on Len's end, and I knew I blew his mind.

But I bit my lip, hoping he will say yes, anyway. I don't desire to like him, especially since I proved myself wrong with my actions the day before, but I need a date so that way I don't go off looking like a lost dog that ran from their owner. Like I'm nothing without... Her.

"Uh... About that..." My stomach drops, anticipating the answer already. It was too good to be true. "I already have my date... And I found you one, too." My eyes widened, not expecting that response. Although, really, that shouldn't surprise me.

"God dammit, Len! Who is it?" I say, furrowing my eyebrows in anger.

"Her name is Bailey Kimzee. She's a bit of a nerd, but once you get passed that, she's super cool! I know her through the designer committee for the dance, and she's totally okay with meeting you."

I face-palm, almost about to deny that I'm not gay. But... There's a reason I'm still attatched to... Her...

"Len, why did you set me up on a BLIND date?" I ask, wondering now; 'who is this person?'

"Relax, she has a girlfriend. She's majoring in drama so she's a really good actress. She's going to be your date and you're going to treat her like so!" I grit my teeth, ready to punch Len's face into his skull. "Len, why couldn't you ask a GUY? I'm trying to-- I mean, you know what? Thanks! Thanks a lot! I needed that help! Truly!" I hang up on Len, anxious that Len doesn't catch up to my plans of retaliating against... Her. I wanted to be even-Steven, but... I guess beggers can't be choosers. I sigh, wondering how the date will go.

Great. /Sarcasm.


I reached onto the ends of my toes, trying to find a hair salon card that Len's mom usually holds. I might as well look presentable for something so big... School wise. I attempted to reach the cards but my ankles started to ache. Uuugh, this is killing me! Eventually I got a good grip and I got the cards, but it was a slight grip, so...


"Ow..." I said, the card book slamming against my feet. I closed my eyes and flinch as the pain seeps in. "God..." I pick up the book and tip toe to my room. Flipping through the pages, I felt my stomach churn. All of this girly gucky stuff is gross... Why couldn't this be a buffet date and all we have to do is wear bibs and bring forks? Why do we have to bring fluffy princess stuff and bring masks? What's the point? Ai, but I guess schools love being "trendy".

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