Chapter 34

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My mom quickly came to my aid as soon as she heard me slump onto the floor. "Rin?" She said, taking off her cooking mittens. I was still shaking so bad, I didn't know what to do. "Mom," I cry, and she leans down to her knees to investigate.

"Rin? What's the matter?" My mom says, and I shake my head. "I was harassed-" I say through panicky tears, and my mom instantly revealed her shock. "By who?" She asks, and I cry harder. "I-It was Yian, Jake's brother--" "What??" My mom yells, and I quiver. "Rin, do you want to transfer schools for your senior year?" My mom asks, and my panicked heart made my head shake.

"No, no, no, mom-- I have to stay, I... Len needs me, Miku needs me, I can't..." I say, feeling my body shake harder and harder. "Hold on, deary, I'll get you a glass of water." She then quickly went into the kitchen, allowing me to fall completely on the floor crying.

"Here, Rin," she says, and I hesitate to take it. I was still shaking really badly. "You have to relax now, I know that's a bit traumatizing but I don't want you to throw up or something." I sit myself up, and take a drink from the cup.

"Why don't you go wash up? I'll let you know when dinner is ready." I didn't respond. I was still breathing heavily. "Mom... I'm so sorry," I say, coughing right afterwards. "Sorry about what? I don't recall you doing anything wrong " She says, and I shake my head. "I'm sorry for how I treated you in the past, mom... Everything that has happened, I..." My mom smiles, then says, "oh Rinny, we already went through this. You don't have to feel bad anymore. I forgive you."

I began coughing again. "But I can't forgive myself... I can't forgive those stupid manipulative twins..." I say angrily, and my mom's shoulders slump sadly. "Why don't you go and refresh yourself, and we can talk about this during dinner?" My mom says wearily, and I hug my arms. "O-okay..." I say, and pick myself up from the floor.

As I showered, I was silent. My brain was whirling around thoughts like a tornado. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I felt like I couldn't move for that matter.

I stood in the shower for a very long time. My mom had called me for dinner, but it ended up being really cold. I was paralyzed. What a monstrous act of horror those twins have committed. I gave Yian a chance to be my friend. I gave him the chance to redeem himself and his sorry ass. I couldn't feel my skin. I'm stuck.

Eventually I got out the bathroom, put on a night gown while my body was still wet, and grabbed my phone. I wanted to call Miku, and tell her what had happened, but I couldn't. Something was holding me back from talking to Miku this time. I can't. She can't get hurt again. I flinch, and go onto Len's contact.

My thumbs were on fire. Every word was typed in less than a second, typos evident everywhere. I was hoping Len would understand. As I typed, my breathing got faster and faster. This is insane. Almost unreal.

Well, that's how life has been lately, huh?

I could hear my own breathing as I waited for Len to respond. My heart was pounding so much, and my mind was racing so bad, I felt myself cry again. Come on, Len, I thought in my head, respond!

When he didn't text back, I threw my phone to the other side of the room and held my knees. Suddenly the world felt very against me, and I felt desolate. Eventually, my body got the best of me, and I fell into a miserable, miserable sleep.


"Rin, Rin, wake up," I hear my mom say, and I slowly shift into awareness. I see Len in my frame of sight and immediately jolt awake. "M-mom, Len?" I say, itching my eyes to make sure I wasn't dreaming. "Hi, Rin," Len says, worry evident in his icey blue eyes and attractive small grin. I groan, and my mom aims to grab my hand. "Len wanted to come by and check up on you. It's 10:35 right now, almost time for brunch. Do you want to wash up a bit?" My mom says, and I nod.

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