Chapter 28

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"So tell me something," Annika says, and Miku looks at her in curiousity. "Hm?" I hum, mouth full of food, also curious as to what she has to say. "How long have you been dating?" Miku smiles embarrassingly, and I just look at her to answer, chewing my food thoroughly.

"Truth be told, I don't actually remember," Miku says, and I swallow my food. "Since September." I say, although I'm not really sure either. I shrug. "So you guys haven't made a year, yet?" She asks, putting brocolli into her mouth. Miku chuckles, then grabs my thigh, giving it a squeeze and making me blush.

"Nope, but that's the plan!" She says happily, and I suddenly felt dizzy. "That's so cute," Annika says happily, and we continue to eat our food peacefully.

After a couple minutes of focused food eating, Annika breaks the silence again. "How would you guys feel about becoming parents?" I felt my face grow warmer, trying really hard not to think about... that dream. "Oh, it'd be wonderful," Miku says, wrapping an arm around her waist in sign of anticipation. I blush even harder. "That's a strange question to ask after someone has been dating for only a few months, though," Miku adds, realizing how awkward I feel. "Oh yes, I know, but you guys have known each other for years, it's almost as if you've always been dating."

I cover my face in embarrassment. "Oh brother," I say out loud, thus making Miku touch my arm. "I always felt like that, too. As if we've always been a couple this whole time." She says, smiling that damn sexy smile at me.

As Miku takes another bite, Annika questions, "How would your mom react, Miku?" breaking us out of our realm of embarrassment. That's when Miku began choking. "Oh swat, sorry! Hold on-" she says, running to go get water.

I pat Miku's back, trying to help her cough up the swallowed food. Successful, she wipes her mouth hesitently. Annika comes back with a glass of water, and Miku takes it and swallows it whole.

"She's, she's um... homophobic," Miku says, and I look at her like she's insane. "Oh boy. So how do you plan to tell her?" Annika asks, and Miku shrugs. "Uh... I was going to keep it a secret, I guess..."

I continue to eat my food. I didn't have a denial, since I'm so fed up with people having a problem with my relationships anyway. As much as it hurts me to think that I have to hide my relationship again, I feel like I can tolerate it this time.

"When does she come out of rehab?" I ask, realization hitting my mind like lightning. "She should be coming back in about a month," Annika says, and Miku hits her head on the table. "Don't do that, Miku." Annika says, and Miku picks her head up. "My family... I just hate them all right now." Miku states bluntly, and I finish the last of my food.

"Are you done, dear? I'll go and wash the dishes now," Annika says, awkwardly avoiding Miku's personal -and very harsh- dilemma. It made me wonder what I missed within that time frame that I didn't interract with Miku.

After Annika finishes with the rest of the plates, and says good bye to Miku for another week, she leaves me alone with my girlfriend, finally.

"She's a nice person," Miku says, seemingly distracted by something. I look at her up and down, waiting for her to explain herself. "Yeah, I like her," I say, shrugging my arms and giving Miku a comforting smile.

Miku just continues to look lost, straight ahead of her, in a sea of thoughts. I rub my arm, hoping this awkwardness will end soon. I sigh, and sit closer to her.

She looks down to her tights, looking even more sad.

I frown at her behavior.

"Miku, what's wrong?"

She looks at me, presses her lips, and then begins to cry. Startled, I began to panic. "Oh no, I didn't mean to make you cry-" I say, reaching a hand out to touch her shoulder.

Heartburn • Rin x MikuOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora