Chapter 26

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I couldn't get any sleep. I felt so ashamed, so guilty... I can't believe I actually feel remorse for Gumi.

But, when the sun comes up, that's a mark of a new day. I rub my face with cold water, and look at myself in the mirror. I look as upset as I feel. I sigh.

I put on my black lace poncho over a black tank top. I grab my black jeans, and black sneakers. It's the day of Gumi's funeral.

I took the train to get to the location. I haven't gotten any texts from Miku, which worries me. What could she be thinking? I put some headphones on, trying to tune out the world, and my thoughts hopefully.

Eventually I got to the funeral home, and it felt like I wasn't meant to be here. There was nobody outside this place. It was a sunny morning, a Saturday. I thought Gumi would have an array of people, or at least some news people or something to attend her funeral, but it's as deserted as a closed down shop.

I pulled open the beautifully carved door to enter a lobby with another door behind it, assuming that leads to the actual funeral. The man that was there had green hair, curled, and a buzzed beard. He was talking to a young adult, who also had green hair.

"Um, hello," I say, and the man looks towards me. "Oh, Gumi's friend, right?" He asks with a chinese accent, and I nod yes. "I'm Gumi's father. It is very nice to meet you." He says with a soft smile, and I shake his soft hand.

Whoa. I wasn't expecting this at all.

"I'm Anjelica. Gumi's half sister." She says, and I shake her hand. She had such beautiful dark green hair, closer to black than anything. "Nice to meet you," I say. "Is... Gumi's mom here?" I ask, and her dad frowns. "She doesn't 'do' funerals." I frown back. Geez.

"We broke up years ago. Would've loved Gumi to move with me back to Greece, but she wanted to stay here. But I knew her mother never cared about her. She only cared about herself,"

I feel taken aback, surprised that Gumi's father actually cared. I stare sadly at his angry, disappointed facial expression. He seems to be pained.

"And now... she's dead."

Anjelica begins to talk to her father, giving me the opportunity to go inside the lobby. The whole room was beautiful. Golden, with black curtains hanging on each side of the white casket. The only people I could see here are three family members (I assume), brace face, and of course, Miku.

There was no other person here. It was so depressing.

"Oh, it's Rin," brace face says, and I walk to her direction. "I can't mourn Gumi's loss?" I say back, and she scoffs. "Where's Donna?" I ask, and she shakes her head. "She said she had to do clothes shopping." I roll my eyes. Typical.

I walk over to another young lady, this time she seemed 15. She was crying heavily, so I could barely make out what she was saying.

"She... the best... cousin..."

And I felt surprised by that. It would be amusing to see Gumi be a decent person, but I guess that card just wasn't for me.

The other two were talking, and they seemed to be related... I guess. "Nikita failed as a parent. I knew it from the start," I hear the first lady say, and the other one agreeing. "As an aunt I can only do so much. And now our precious Gumi is gone."

It feels so weird to be here. Gumi has made my life crappy. She probably made other's lives crappy as well. That would explain the very few people to attend.

I finally walk up to my girlfriend, who looks like a crying princess by the casket. It broke my heart to see her cry so hard.

"Gumi... I'm so sorry..." I hear her cry, and I got closer to the casket. There she was, looking as if she's sleeping and she could wake up at any moment. She had a necklace of black roses, so it could cover the strangle marks, I guess. She is going to wear a black dress to her grave. I frowned, the reality of it all sinking in.

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