• 4 Million And I'm A Terrible Person •

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"No, I obviously won" Jaime declared for surely the thousandth time since we got back to...wherever the hell this house is.

"Lydia and I won, Jaime. Accept it" mike stated, I high fived him.

"Yeah we did! In yo' face!" I did a little happy dance and smiled at the guys who were raising questioning eyebrows.

"What? I feel like dancing..."

"Women." I heard Mike mutter to which I rolled my eyes at.

It was already dark outside when my father phoned again. This is the phone call I've been dreading.

What the hell am I supposed to do? No matter what I want to do these guys still kidnapped me.

Surprisingly enough when the phone rang I was the only one in the room, so I flipped it open, still wondering what the hell I was going to do.

"Now listen here, and listen good-" I heard my father state rudely, bitterness surrounding every angle of his voice.


"Oh, sweetheart it's you!" He said it almost like it was monotone. Stupid parents.

"Are they there?" He asked me. I looked around, of course they were all just in one of the bedrooms discussing whatever, but what else can I say?

"Of course they are." I stated plainly. My voice sounded happy though, so that was a good thing. As long as he knows I'm not hurt, this should hopefully turn out just fine.

Seriously, what should I do?

Go home, continue to live with my parents and live the rich life, blah blah blah. This meaning the guys get some money, but may go to jail.

Stay with the guys, change my look, and hope that the guys don't get caught? That seems a little selfish of me.

Ugh. Decisions are hard.

"Lydia Grace are you even listening to me?" My father sighed down the line, just as the guys came back out of the room.

"Of course I'm listening to you." I lied, he never does believe me anyway, there no point in trying.

All the guys seemed to trust me enough to leave me on the phone, and sit on the surrounding sofas. I put it quickly on loud speaker.

"-ver listen to me Lydia" my father sighed again, I really should pay more attention.

"Sorry Dad?..."

"Are they there? Can I talk to one of them?" He asked. I nodded at the phone and mike half contained a smirk.

I realised and quickly said "oh" before pulling myself together. "Uh, yeah. Go ahead"

I passed the phone to Mike.

"I have an offer for my daughter."

"And that is?" Wow, Mike was being very professional about this whole thing. There was a short pause.

"£4,000,000 cash"

"Shit" I heard Vic mumble.

"And what if we want more?" Mike questioned. I looked around the room. Mike was standing near the doorway to the bedroom they departed out of.

Jaime was closest to him, on the sofa opposite to me, Vic was opposite him, next to me and looking at Mike in awe.

He's probably never seen his brother act so formal.

And surprisingly enough when I looked at Tony, he was watching me, intently. I raised my eyebrow but he just smile a toothy smile and shook his head. I smiled back then looked back to Mike.

"You'll what?" And there goes his whole calm persona.

"If you do not accept this offer of 4 million, then I will have no choice but you get you sent to jail."

"You don't even know where we are!" Mike yelled angrily. I noticed he was also clenching his fists and his knuckles were turning white-ish.

"You think you can hide my daughter forever? Sooner or later, she will be found. It's whether you want the money now, I'm surprised you haven't brought her back yet!"

"DAD!" I yelled "real nice, real fucking fatherly." I then muttered.

"And she's swearing now? Oh, great." I heard my mothers voice come through the phone for the first time.

"Last offer. Accept it, or go to jail." My father sternly stated. And when he says something, he means business.

It's now or never right?

I'm so nervous. I want to cover my ears, I don't want to even here this deal.

"£4 million, and no police involvement what so ever. That means your off the hook. Completely." Well shit.

I can't let them turn this down, can I? That's so selfish. Oh god, I'm a terrible person for even thinking this aren't I?

Mike was silent. Hell, they were all silent.

"Can we call you back? Say 20 minutes? No, wait." Mike laughed "we have your daughter, we can do whatever the fuck we want. Expect a call." And at that, Mike slammed the phone down.

"Fuck" he groaned, putting his head in his hands. His hair fell forwards and I couldn't help but feel guilty.

This is confusing. I have no idea what I want? Infact, I know exactly what I want, except what I want is utterly selfish. This can not be happening to me.

"So..." Jaime said trying to break the awkward silence.

"4 million..." Vic whispered next to me, still in a daze.

"I'll um, yeah.." I got up almost way too fast and rushed into the bathroom, slamming the door behind me. I locked it and slid down it.

I need thinking time. Okay. I'll have 15 minutes thinking, and then 5 minutes talking with them.

Right. I groaned and leant my head back against the door. It was only then that I heard the hushed whispers coming from the front room.

"Are you insane?"

"She's a person!" I couldn't tell who's voice was who's really.

"It's 4. Million. We'd be insane not to take it!" Can't say that didn't sting a little.

"Can we just talk about this properly." That was definitely Tony, I just recognise his voice. The irony.

"I don't know man. Think about this... We could all go to jail. Therefore not only would we BE IN JAIL, but Lydia would then be stranded because she chose us over her parents." I did not think about it that way.

I only have 12 more minutes to decide before I tell the guys. Maybe I just let them decide?

They should pick the right option for all of us..right?

Okay, maybe we should just...I have no idea what the hell to do.

There was silence from the front room.

"I say...I don't know...shit." I think that was Mike. I'm not really sure.

I walked back out silently, running through in my head exactly what I'm going to say. Here goes nothing...

"This decision is too hard.." Jaime stated.

"Well let me make the decision for you." I stated, all of their heads snapped towards me, waiting.

"I think.."

AN// ahhhhh, I think I know where I want this story to go now! Anyway, I just really want to thank all of the people who have supported me this far, the ones who vote for most chapters and leave comments that always make me smile, you guys are great! Thanks for the support on this story:D -Love, Em<3

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