Chapter 23 - Three's a crowd

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She needed freedom. She needs the wind blowing in her hair. the sun shining down on her. the velvety sound of her motorbike beneath her. her thighs squeezing tightly, her hands gripping the handles, keeping the throttle open. After Tyler had dropped her off, she didn't hesitate to jump on the machine. The one with the high-performance engine. She had already sped past her partner before he even got to the bridge to Crown City. He made no move to catch up. This was their first weekend off in what felt like months. No one has to guess where she is going.

Her knee is on the gravel, helping to kick more dust up as she drifts to a stop in the scrapyard. The bots and humans coughing around her, fanning the dust away.

"Sorry." She says with guiltiness written on her face as she takes off her helmet.

"Welcome home, Clarissa." Denny acknowledges after his coughing fit has subsided.

"It's good to be home, even if its just or a weekend." She replies.

Denny pulls her into a quick hug after she gets off her bike.

"So where is Sideswipe?" She asks, looking around. All bots accounted for accept for two.

"Sunstreaker and him are on patrol, they should be back soon." Bee answers.

"Does he know your back?" Strongarm asks, kneeling down in front of her. But before Clarissa can answer, two red and yellow Lamborghini's come speeding in.

Now it was Clarissa's time to cough.

"Sir, do we really need two Sideswipes." Strongarm complains as she dusts herself off.

The two transform laughing, both transforming with style. The yellow one made his more of a show. Adding poise and lands with a smirk on his handsome face. He looks ten time better than when she first saw him in the prison pod. The scratches and dents have all been buffed out. A new coat of paint gleams in the sunlight. Along with what must be a fresh coat of wax. He's gorgeous. It takes a moment for Clarissa to realize she's staring, only when a low rumble comes from deep within Sideswipes engine.

Her mouth snaps shut, and her cheeks turn a cherry red, "Hey Sides, so this is your twin I take it?"

She rubs the back of her neck, not looking the red twin in the eye. Two hands grab her, making her let out a squeak.

"Sideswipe!" She giggles as he peppers her with kisses.

"I missed you." He whispers to her.

"I missed you too." Her forehead leaning against his. He pulls her away and gazes down at her for a moment before turning to his twin.

"Clarissa, meet Sunstreaker, my brother. We are split spark twins." The smile that had been on Sunstreaker's face earlier is wiped clean. Now an unapproving frown lays upon his lips.

"I see your fraternal twins, but if your split spark wouldn't you be identical?" She wonders looking back and forth between them. Sunstreaker looks at his twin in confusion. Fixit is the one who speaks up.

"Your thinking of human twins, as in when one embryo splits in two making monozygotic twins and two separate embryos fertilized by their own spe spe sperm cell, creating dizygotic twins."

Silence greets him when he finishes, even from the humans.

"Identical is one female egg splitting into two and fraternal is two separate eggs."

Clarissa and Denny can't help but chuckle at the bots still confused faces.

"It's part of when a human female gets sparked to have a spark spark sparkling."

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