Chapter 22 - Sunstreaker

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*At the present*

"Babe, you still there?" She hears his voice, but she doesn't know what to say. She stands there with her mouth wide open and shock written all over her. "Clarissa."

"I'm here, I'm here." She says as she rubs her temple with one hand, the one not holding the phone.

"You don't sound happy." He noted quietly.

"No, its not that. I'm just confused on why you didn't tell me you have a twin brother." She inquires.

"I didn't think I would ever see him again." Now she feels guilty, hearing the sadness in his tone.

"I'm so sorry, Sideswipe. I wasn't thinking."

"It's okay. Not your fault. When are you coming home? I want you to meet him."

"I don't know. They are still trying to open the capsule you left with us. My superior is on to me. I need to keep low. But I will try and get home soon. I promise." She tries to sound encouraging.

"I hate that your so far away."

"I hate it too."

There is a long silence between them. Neither wanting to get off the phone. On the other end of the phone there an angry scream and Sideswipe's name his called.

"Is everything alright?" She asks.

"No, Sunstreaker is awake. I have to go. I'll call you later." Then he hung up. Not even giving her a goodbye.

"Goodbye, love you too." She says angerly at her phone before shoving it into her pocket.

Taking one last look around outside, she heads down into the dungeon she calls her workplace. Her mood had been lifted then crushed in a matter of seconds. Not because her boyfriend has a twin, well part of it is, but not all. Mostly because he hung up on her. It seems so trivial and she shouldn't be upset. Sideswipe must be overwhelmed with getting his brother back. She can't help but wonder when the last time he saw him. She stands in the elevator; each ding is another level below the ground. The trip seems to go in slow motion for her. Her mind not being there at that moment. Her eyes blur for a moment after reaching the last floor and the doors open. The same activities are being attended too, as when she left. Not that she has been gone long, but for now it feels like hours have just gone by.

*With Sideswipe*

After ending the call, he rushes back to the command center in his alt, making the way there faster. He transforms on a broken scene. His team mates are down for the count. Laying either unconscious or groaning in pain. Standing in the middle is a wide awake, yellow, fuming Autobot. Sideswipe puts his hands up in defense, slowly walking towards him. The daggers he holds seem to glow, pulsing with the beat of his spark. His optics flickering between a deep red and bright blue. Sideswipe notices some of the dents on his frame are gone, helm fin is pointing to the sky again. His brother focuses on him, glaring at him, like he doesn't recognize him.

"Sunstreaker?" Sideswipe says low and calm.

The enraged bot doesn't say anything yet. He lowers his dagger but doesn't put them away. His optics still glowering as he looks the red twin up and down.

"Sideswipe? Is that really you?" Sunstreaker questions, his face becoming clouded with different emotions.

"It's me Sunny."

"Don't call..."

Sideswipe ran to his brother with open arms. Wrapping himself around his twin. Metal clashes against metal, but neither complaining. Red tangling with yellow. Sideswipe hides his face in his brothers' neck. Dropping the blades to the ground, Sunstreaker clings to his twin, like he could lose him any second. The area around them disappearing, becoming just the two of them. Holding onto each other for dear life. They have been separated for so long, Sideswipe forgot what his brothers hugs felt like. 

"I thought I lost you." Sideswipe cries into Sunstreaker's neck.

"I should have never left. I'm so sorry, Sideswipe." Sunstreaker pushes away from Sideswipe so he can get a better look at him.

"I don't even care about that right now. Your back with me. That's all I care about. I'm so happy to have you back." Sideswipe grips his hands, holding on to Sunny tightly.

"We have lots to catch up on. But first, I need a wash and a buffer. I look like slag."

"Same old Sunny. Caring more about his looks than anything else."

"What the frag?" Strongarm's voice cuts through the air, interrupting the twin's reunion.

The two turn to look at the others who were starting to get up. Sunstreaker immediately got into a defense mode. Bringing his brother behind him, ready to protect him at all cost.

"Sunny, its okay. This is my team. They won't harm you I promise." Sideswipe moved so he stood in front of his brother. Hoping to calm Sunstreaker down. "This is Grimlock, Drift, Strongarm and Fixit. Then the humans are Russel and Denny. And our team leader Bumblebee.

Bumblebee puts a hand out to keep the other back, so he can assess the situation. He makes his way to Sideswipes side and takes a good look at Sunstreaker. Sunstreaker doing the same.

"An enforcer." Sunstreaker noticing the weapon on Bumblebee's hip.

"Not down here, just working to round up the rest of the Decepticons that were also on the Alchamor. You're the first Autobot to come out of one of those.

Sunstreaker stares at him for a second, then looks away. He thinks for a moment, almost as if he forgot how he got there.

"Your record says you're a gladiator." Sideswipe pauses for a moment, then lowers his voice in a whisper so only his twin can hear. "We quit that life years ago. Why did you go back?"

"There is a lot we need to catch up on. I'm sorry for leaving you. I did what I had to do to protect you." Sunstreaker looks to the ground in shame, not able to hold his brothers gaze.

"What do you mean protect me? We were always a team, remember?" Sideswipe gripped his twins' shoulders.

"Look can we talk about this later. I don't want the whole world to know why." He scowled looking past Sideswipe.

Sunstreaker takes a look around, staring at each member on the team. From looking at the past and what he knows about his brother, Sideswipe knows it won't be easy to get him to talk in front of the others. No one says a word. No one moves a strut.

"Let's go get you some energon. Then maybe we can sit down and talk." Sideswipe puts his arm around his brother and the two walk away. Leaving the team to stand there and wonder about the new guy. 

*With Clarissa*

She sits silently at her desk, staring at her monitor. There is a random file up, even she doesn't know what it is. Just to keep others at bay, letting them think she is working. Her mind can't get away from her earlier conversation with Sideswipe. Its all to fresh and unbelievable. She wants to see it for herself. Make sure she's not dreaming about him having a twin. There are so many questions she wants to ask. Like, why was he on a prison ship? Is he not really an Autobot? Why did Sideswipe think he lost him? Where had he been the whole time? Will it ruin her relationship with Sideswipe? Will his brother take him away from her? So many questions and no one to ask them too. If only she could go home.

She lets her head fall, hitting her forehead on her desk. Her hands reach up and grip her hair. Part of her wants to start banging her head against her desk, but that means people would notice and she doesn't really want that. Everything is just so confusing right now. Finally, after thinking it over for a moment. She decides to go back to her apartment. She turns off her desktop and grabs her backpack.

"I'm leaving." She says to Draco as she passes by him.

"What? Why? Did you finish your report?" He asks calling after her.

"All done. So, I'm done." She doesn't bother to stop or turn around to acknowledge him.

"Um okay, be here at six tomorrow for pt." He yells just before she hits the elevator.

"Got it." She yells back as the doors close.

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