Chapter 6- Rebel in my flesh

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"Sideswipe!" An angered voice yelled from across the scrapyard. Sideswipe flinched at his angry leader coming his way. "Yes boss." He said timidly. "Where the pit have you been? Your never here anymore. I feel the only time we see you is on missions. Even then that is rare. You need to start being here more. We have training to do." Bumblebee shouted at the teen bot. "I've just been out." Sideswipe cowered back, unsure of what to say as to not tell anyone about his new formed relationship with a human. "Just been out? How come I don't believe that?" With his hands on his hips, Bee stared down at the young bot. "We'll talk about this later." Bee continued.

"There have been multiple disturbances going on downtown lately. Random items seem to be going missing out of warehouses around the area. I think its Decepticons." Bee suggested. The others went quiet in thinking about other possibilities. "Think they are trying to build another space ship, like Chop Shop tried." Strongarm suggest. "Hmm maybe, but we don't know what they are stealing. Fix-it, where do you think the con would most likely go next." Bee put his thumb and pointer finger on his chin, thinking hard. "I am unsure, I am trying to find out what has been stolen though the human database." Fix-it answered.

"Okay while you all figure that out. I'm going to and do stuff." Sideswipe said as he started backing towards the exit. Not giving them a chance to stop him. But he did hear Bumblebee scream his name as he raced out of there.

He races as fast as he can to get to his destination. As soon as her house comes into view, he puts the metal to the pedal, trying to go even faster. He drifts around, into the driveway. He stops just before he's about to hit a girl on her horse. As the dust begins to clear, he sees a very pissed off Clarissa and a bucking Koda. He turns his holoform on quick and jumps out of the car. "Sam! You idiot." She screams as she attempts to calm the bucking bronco down. "I'm so sorry." He apologized, unsure of what to do. She slowly gets the horse to turn in a few circles, walking around. Once at a peaceful gate, she leads him up to Sideswipe. She swings her leg around and jumps down.

"What were you thinking? You know better than to race in here. I don't even do it." She bellowed at him. He winces back in fear of the cowgirl in front of him. His short, blonde, cowgirl. He couldn't help but put a smile on his face as she continued to rant at him. She then snaps her fingers in front of his face, getting him out of his daze. "Are you even listening? Why the fuck are you smiling?" She snarled. "Your just so beautiful and I love that your mine." He pulled her into a hug, melting her to the core. She couldn't help but smile and she clung to his shirt.

"How about we put Koda back with the others and you and I go for a nice cruise along the river." He asked pulling away just a little to speak. "That sounds like a fantastic idea." She agreed happily. Sideswipe took the reins from her and the two walked into the barn to take off Koda's tack. The horse followed with a happy gate, picking his hooves up higher, not yet trotting, but more so excited. Sideswipe took her hand in his, squeezing tightly. She let out a cute giggle, squeezing back.

Sideswipe carried Koda's tack into the tack room, while Clarissa bushed him over, helping to get the sweat and dirt out of his fur. "Sam, I got a question for ya." She asked as she watched him walk back out to her and Koda. "Shoot." He wrapped his arms around her waist waiting for her question. "Would you like to stay for dinner tonight?" Her face stayed straight, watching herself brush her horse. She knew it was a stupid question, but she honestly just wants his company. After living on your own for so long, its nice to have someone else around. Sideswipe froze at her question, unsure of how to give her an answer. He knows for a fact, Bee would never let this happen. He relaxed and spun her around, so she was looking at him. Her cheeks turning red.

"I would love too." His answer brought a smile to her face. "But..." Her smile fell. "But if something comes up at work, you need to understand that my job comes first. As long as I don't get a call in, I will be here. With you, as long as you want me too." He kissed her forehead, bringing that smile back to her face. She understands all to well that his job comes first. He has to keep the world safe from Decepticons. One day she will tell him she knows. Just not today. She is enjoying her time with him all too much to ruin it.

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