Chapter 18 - Home Sweet Home

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Clarissa's foot continues to tap on the floor of the Charger. Tyler glances over at her every now and then. They both know how anxious she is to get back home. It has only been a month, but she misses Sideswipe like crazy. And after this last contact with Decepticons, she has been on the edge. When they had gotten back to base, she went off on everyone. She didn't care who she yelled at. Even guys that didn't know about the ammo got a brunt of her fury. Now she just wants to go home and relax with her man, well bot.

"Clarissa please stop tapping your foot." Tyler stressed, attempting to keep his eyes on the road.

"Why? Is it bothering you?" She asked, tapping her foot harder.

"Your gonna break the floor!" He warned.

"Oh, calm down, I'm not gonna break it. It can't be that rusted underneath. Isn't this thing brand new?" She implied, stomping one more time on the floor.

"I'm gonna shove you out the door." He growled lowly.

"You're such a baby." She mumbled under her breath while crossing her arms.

Tyler let out another low growl from deep in his throat but didn't reply to her latest comment. It isn't worth it. They both want to go home. There are only a few hours left and they should be arriving in Crown City. The whole ride so far has been the two sitting on the edge of their seats. Happy to get away from the agency. They agreed that Tyler would drop Clarissa off at the scrapyard and Sideswipe would take her from there. She can't wait to be with him again. Even if its just for a weekend. It's better than nothing.

"You going to tell him this time?" Tyler spoke up, not even glancing at her.

She knows what he is talking about, she just isn't sure how to answer. "I don't know." She finally says.

"You really should." This time he takes a second to look over at her sullen face.

"But what if he doesn't feel the same?"

"Don't even go there! That bot loves you more than life itself. How can you not see the way he looks at you?" He smacks her arm.

"Ow! What was that for?" She yells rubbing her arm.

"Oh, it didn't hurt that bad." She proceeds to stick her tongue out at him and he gives a small chuckle at her childness.

"Maybe I'm waiting for him to tell me first."

"Well he better hurry up then." He mumbles under his breath.

They drive the rest of the way in silence, listening to music. Soon they will be home.


They arrive at the scrapyard, or what's left of it. They place looks blown to bits. Scorch marks cover the ground and anything in the same vicinity. Clarissa's hand covers her mouth in shock, trying to hold it all in. Tyler stops the vehicle near the diner. Black soot covers most of it. Clarissa struggles to get the door open, but once she does, she has to keep her balance. Denny's towers of scrap and stuff is littering the ground. Most very difficult to know what it is. She lightly walks through the area, hoping not to find what she is thinking she will. Tyler catches up with her, looking around as well.

"What happened here?" She cried out, holding onto Tyler's arm.

"They were attacked. But by who." Tyler says.

"But, where are they?" She stumbles over her feet, looking for the bright noticeable colors of Sideswipe.

"Maybe they got out in time." Tyler says trying to soothe her. She turns into him, trying not to cry. They can only hope they got out.

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