Chapter 13 - All I know is that I'm all yours

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"That's it, Stacy. You're getting the hang of it." Clarissa calls out to a young blonde headed women who had a blue streak going through her hair. Her eyes are wide with excitement and a huge smile held on her face. This is her second time riding. It has been hard to find time with missions and Clarissa's racing tour.

"Russel, watch out for the bushes." She yells over her shoulder to the small boy riding Jack. Drift, Bee, Denny and Sideswipe stand leaning against the fencing to the pasture they were riding in.

"Want to try trotting this time?" Clarissa holds onto a lead line for Strongarm, making sure Koda behaves.

"Um...Are you sure that is safe?" Strongarm asks nervously, tightening her hold onto the horn of the saddle.

"I promise it is safe. Just hold on, pull back on the reins if you feel uncomfortable." Strongarm gives her a nod.

"Alright, kick with your heels and click your tongue." Explains Clarissa.

Everyone watches intently to see how this would turn out. Even Russel stopped Jack to watch. Strongarm kicked her heels into the side of Koda and nothing happened.

"Harder. You can't be afraid to hurt him. He can handle it." Clarissa encourages. Strongarm tries again and again, but the horse won't go.

"Koda" Clarissa warns the horse.

Strongarm clicks her tongue and kicks as hard as she could. Koda begins to trot in the circle. Everyone cheered for their teammate.

"Good job. Keep giving him light kicks to remind him to stay trotting."

"Iiisss iiit suppppossssed ttttoo bbbeee thhhiiiissss buummppyy." Strongarm bounces on the back of Koda, holding on for dear life.

Clarissa let out a laugh. "Yes, just try to bounce with his gait."

"I want to trot!" Russel exclaims, walking Jack again.

"Go for it, do what I told Stacy." As Clarissa works with the two, Sideswipe couldn't keep his eyes off the cowgirl.

He had yet to try and win her back. She is all he can think about. He knows she thinks about him too. He notices when she sends a glance his way or catches her looking at him. When she walks close to him, accidently bumping him and immediately apologizing. The sad look in her eye the moment she sees him.

Its close to the end of the day and they all help Clarissa with putting the horses away. The others waited outside, while she put the rest of the tack away. As she walks out of the tack room, she almost runs into Sideswipe.

"Sam? Why are you standing right next to the door?" She asks, keeping her eyes anywhere but on him.

"We need to talk?" He is hard to hear, for his voice is barely a whisper.

"No, we don't." She states, then attempts to walk around him. He stops her by grabbing her arm.

"Yes, we do. I can't stop thinking about you, Clarissa." He makes her look at him, grabbing her chin, creating eye contact. There is a long pause and when he thinks she won't turn and walk away, he lets go.

"Please, I'm sorry for what I did. I know it wasn't fair for you. I should have tried to contact you. I'm so sorry. Please let me make it up to you. I can't breathe without you. I can't think straight. I need you by my side. Half of me is missing and I only feel whole when your near."

She stops him with her lips connecting to his.

His eyes go wide at the action, but it doesn't take long for him to melt into the kiss. Wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her into him. She grips the back of his neck, pulling him close. Their lips pressed together, molding to each other. The hunger and burning desire for each other sparks the flame within their souls. Sideswipe's spark is humming loud and proud, brightened by her and this moment. Clarissa can't stop her heart from beating fast and hard against her chest. He caresses up and down her back, taking in what he has missed for the past month and half.

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