Chapter 20 - Into the Mountains

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It has been a few weeks since Clarissa's been back in Washington. Busy with her job as a secret agent. Nothing she wanted to do but had no choice in the matter. A lot of work has been done with how capturing a Cybertronian will be. Strategies and training were top priority. She continues to talk to Sideswipe and the team. They were able to fight and get their home back. Now they are in the process of rebuilding the scrapyard.

Clarissa was working at her desk when her superior call for the whole team. There haven't been any sightings for days. She wondered what could be going on. So, she got up and ran to the conference room with everyone one else.

"What's going on, Draco?" She asks as she closes the door behind her, looking up at the senior agent.

"A cylinder like capsule has been found on in the mountains in New York. We need to go figure out what it is. The locals say it has some odd symbol on it and looks like there is a metal being inside. Get your gear and head out to the helicopters. Let's move!" He says yelling the last part.

As they depart the room, grabbing their gear as quickly as they can. Clarissa quickly and as sneaky as she could, sends a text to Sideswipe, letting them know something is about to go down.

The helicopters land on the bottom of the mountain, meaning they must hike up it, to find what they are looking for. Clarissa gets herself ready for the long hike, it's cold in New York and it has just started snowing. She hopes for it to end quickly as it came, but weather on the mountains can be unpredictable. Wrapping her jacket tighter around her and pulling her hat down, she's ready to go.

The group begins their trek up the side of the mountain, one of the locals leading them to the capsule. They were about halfway up, when they closed in on it. Clarissa overseas inspecting anything suspicious about the capsule, having to make sure whether it's Autobot, Decepticon, or nothing to worry about. She makes her way through the woods and rocky path, attempting to get there quick through the snow. Her eyes soon land on a very large, blue and gray cylinder, large tinted windows giving small access to what is inside. She notices the Alchamor symbol on top, causing her to quickly send coordinates to her other team. They know to wait for her signal before ground bridging to the sight, seeing as she needs to get the agents away first.

She walks closer to get a closer look at who might be inside.

"Rave, see what it is?" Draco's husky voice rings out over her radio.

"We have found the Cylinder, but I'm not sure yet. I'm climbing up to have a look inside and see." She quickly replies.

She wipes away the access snow and peers inside. If it weren't for the golden yellow color and black and yellow side fins on its helm, she would of took the bot for Sideswipe. He seemed to be resting peacefully inside the chamber. She noticed the Autobot symbol on his chest. She also notices scratch marks and dents along his frame, he must have been fighting before being shoved inside. This is the first time she's ever seen an Autobot in a capsule like this. They are usually Decepticon prisoners. There was no way she was going to let the other agents get to him. She slides down the side and made her way back to the others. Setting up one of her scanners to fake radiation.

Setting up fake radiation flares was an idea her and Tyler came up with about a week or two ago. They had only been able to test it back at base, so this is the first time actually using it. She sure hopes it works. She needs to be able to keep everyone way long enough, so the bots can get this capsule out. She won't lie, she wishes she could stay and find out more about this bot. Like why he has they same body type and build as Sideswipe? She'd say he is his brother, but Sideswipe never mentioned having a brother. She sends the rest of the team back and she slows her walk to call Team Bee.

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