Chapter 17 - It ripped like a paper target

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"Are we there yet?" Clarissa groaned in the back of the jeep.

"No, will you stop asking that?" Tyler growled as he turned another corner.

"No, I won't. I swear this is the longest trip we have taken to get to a Decepticon. Why couldn't we fly?" She continued to complain. Her arms lay lazily over her weapon as she stared out the window.

"We went over this, Rave!" The two men up front yelled.

She ducks down, a little scared of being yelled at. Tyler was one thing, but when Fowler joined, she decided it was time to shut up for now. No one had a sense of humor this morning. They are all to focused on this supposed con sighting. This is the third one sighting this month. Lucky for her, the first two have turned out to be duds. So, she didn't have to get in contact with team Bee, no matter how bad she wanted too. She did call Sideswipe everyday or at least tried too. It is difficult to when she is staying in the same apartment building as her coworkers. She had to be careful when she was on the phone with him. Making sure no one can over hear her.

She is sure this is just another fake call. Just another paranoid human that thinks they saw a giant robot fall apart in to five giant spiders then they crawled away. Where do people think of this stuff? This time she didn't even bother to warn the team. It just sounded way to fake for her to get worked up about. Though just because she knew she could not let them know, she still sent a warning text to Sideswipe. Which he replied with, 'Well I hope it is real, just so I can see you.' The smile lights up on her face just thinking about it.

It is about an hour later when the crew drive up on the supposed scene. They park a way away as to not spook the con. With one more check of their gear a small group, including Clarissa, make their way to the sight. They are the group to go and scope out the area, making sure it is an actual con or just a dud. The group stays low to the ground, weapons at the ready. This is the only time she has a serious face on. She keeps her eyes straight ahead and moves forward. She leads the group closer and closer. They close in on what looks like an old steel mill. The area around them silent. Not even a bird is chirping. There are no animals scurrying about. Way to quiet for her tastes.

She sends signals to the group to be cautious and close in on the building. As they moved closer they started to hear some strange noises and talking. It almost sounded like hooves on pavement, but more than four legs. Then there is the clinking of metal, drilling, like something is being built inside. Clarissa got to a window and leaned up on her tiptoes to see inside. The group behind her, helping her. The sight she sees, is not what she was expecting.

Inside the main facility she could see four maybe five spider like Decepticons, working on what could possibly be a rocket or a space shuttle. Each of them working together to get it complete. She kept watching for a few more moments before calling it. They would have to go back and get the rest of the group. There is no doubt it's a Decepticon, with the symbol and everything.

"Go back and let the others know that there is indeed a Con inside. There are five of them and they look like spiders." The other three look at her like she is crazy, at this point she wished she was.

"Spiders?" one in the group asks.

"Yes, now git. I'll keep an eye on it from a distance, in case it decides to leave." She whispers the order and the three listen and move slowly back to the rest of the crew.

Once she is unable to see them anymore, she pulls out her cell phone as she moves to a nearby bush. She doesn't want to be caught by the con. She slides in on her knees, pulling out her cell phone and quickly dialing Bee's com link number.

On the first ring, he answers, "Got something for us Clarissa?"

"Yes, it is five spider like cons and they are building what looks like a rocket. I'm assuming to use to get off Earth. My crew is getting ready now to attack. I'll send you the coordinates and get here fast." She hung up and proceeded to send the coordinates.

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