"Whoa, wait! Where do you think you're going?"

"To find Harley." I stated bluntly, narrowing my eyes at the man slightly.

"If she knew it was too dangerous then wouldn't we have tagged along in the first place?"

"That's the point, Kieran." I huffed, crossing my arms. "She wouldn't invite us because it's dangerous. Harley thinks she's replaceable no matter how many times she's told the opposite." Kieran fell silent before packing up his things. He mounted his horse and looked to me expectantly. "Now," I sighed, "let's go make this duo a trio."

8 hours remaining

Harley's POV

Sterling and I had been making great progress, but of course nothing can just be easy and straightforward. The sound of a couple cougars growling at us caught me off guard. I squinted, trying my best to see in the darkness of the night. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught sight of two moon-lit silhouettes approaching me.

"Seriously?" I muttered, slowly taking out my carbine repeater. "Alright, easy..." I fire the first shot, hitting one in the leg and causing it to cry out. The other charged at me, provoking Sterling to throw me off and ditch me. "Shit." I hiss, sitting up with my rifle cocked. The second cougar lunges again, eating the next bullet and falling to the ground immediately. As I wait for the other animal to make a move, I glance down at my leg to see blood seeping through my bandages. My wound had reopened. Gritting my teeth, I push myself up and aim carefully. The cougar goes down easily with a clean shot through the skull and I let out a sigh or relief. My vision darts around, scanning the surrounding area for my mount, but never catching sight of him.

"Sterling? Sterling?!" I call loudly, limping around in the dark. There was no response. I was alone.

6 hours remaining

Nyx's POV

"Harley said to only go back to camp if 24 hours have passed." Kieran sighed, following my lead as we pass by Valentine.

"We're only going there to talk to Sean, he might know where she's gone." I inform, ignoring how shaky my hands were becoming. "Once we speak to Sean, we can leave."

"How do you know he's even at camp right now?" The brunette asked.

"I don't." I shrug. The outlaw facepalmed silently, shaking his head.

We eventually reached the edge of the camp and hitched out horses before sneaking into some bushes. As I peered through the leaves, my breath hitched and I could feel my heart aching. The first thing I noticed was his hair, which looked messier than before. From there, my vision trailed to his face and I noted the dark bags under his eyes and the small frown he wore. I ducked back into the bush, taking deep breaths through my nose as Kieran continued to watch.

"There's Arthur." He whispered, nodding his head toward the brunette man. His stubble had grown out and his hair was a bit longer. Arthur didn't look as different as Charles did, he didn't look tired, upset, hurt... guilty. "I don't see Sean anywhere."

"Auntie Nyx and Uncle Kieran?" A hushed voice spoke, making the two of us freeze in place. I slowly turned around and faced the small boy that stood outside the bush. An embarrassed, yet warm, smile crept onto my face as the kid took a tiny step towards us. "Is it really you?"

The Hunters and the Hunted // RDR2 // DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now