X (+ A/N)

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If this ain't the shittiest quality picture you've ever seen...
So for any readers wondering, this is the RDR2 Online version of Harley (left) and Nyx (right)! Harley belongs to me and Nyx belongs to my beautiful amazing friend.

I've been extremely busy lately so I apologize for the delayed chapter but I promise it's a good one!

Thank you to those who have stuck around and even voted on these chapters! 💕

Harley's POV

A sickly groan escapes my lips as I rolled over, my face pressing against the cold floor. I sighed, cracking an eye open. My vision was blurred, making my surroundings impossible to recognize at the moment. Letting out a low grumble, I let my eye droop closed.

"Harley?" A familiar voice questioned.

"Nyx? Where are we?" I ask, resting an arm over my eyes.

"Jail, I think. Seems that our favorite sheriff is out sick." She responds, her heels scuffing the floor and she shuffling around the room. I glance over at the sheriff's desk, seeing an unfamiliar face. "Arthur, Charles and Lenny must've gotten away from the law." I groaned, a nauseating feeling bubbling inside me. Deciding I didn't want to vomit on myself, I picked myself up off the floor and stumbled towards the cell bars. The spaces between the metal were too small to fit my head through, so I kept my mouth between the rods. I hurled out all the alcoholic drinks I had last night before turning back to face Nyx. She pinched her nose, giving me an unimpressed look.

"So, what's the plan?" I wonder, walking over to sit against the wall. The brunette shrugged, kicking her feet up onto the wooden bed.

"Wait for the boys, I suppose." She replied, laying down. "For now I'm just gonna take a nap." I rolled my eyes, laying down on the floor once again.

"Napping it is."

Arthur's POV

"Where the hell is Harley?" I interrogate the camp over and over again, hoping that someone knows where she could be. I hadn't seen her since last night and I admit that I'm growing worried. "Charles!" I call, approaching the man quickly. "Have you seen Harley?" The raven-haired man spins on his heels looking rather distraught.

"She's missing too? I've been looking for Nyx all morning!" He exclaimed, his tone laced with concern. We walk side by side, searching all over the camp.

"Aww, your little ladies gone missin'?" Bill pestered, his usual smirk adorning his face. Within seconds I had my pistol out of its holster and directed at the man. He tensed, but stood his ground. "Oh, calm down. They probably got tired of the two of you." Charles launched at him, throwing punches at the bastard. I lowered my gun, watching as Bill earned a bunch of bruises on his face. "Alright, alright. Charles let's get going." The Native spit at the bearded man before storming away with me on his tail.

"Do you think someone took them?" He asked angrily. I sighed, shaking my head.

"Don't think so. Last time I saw Harley the girls were being chased by the law, just like us." I stated, pinching the bridge of my nose in thought. "You don't think they'd be stupid enough to get caught by the law, do ya?"

"Nyx is anything but stupid, Arthur. And I'm sure that Harley is smart too. I'm sure they got away." Charles responds, heading towards his horse. "We better check anyway." I nod, approaching my mount. "Good girl, Taima." I heard Charles whisper to his horse, who let out a soft grunt.

The Hunters and the Hunted // RDR2 // DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now