Getting Blood From A Stone

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2 weeks later:-

Everything was going well between me and Hugh, I also hadn't sleep walked or talked since taken my pills. I wasn't waking through the night either which meant I was fully rested to tackle the day ahead!

Work was still tense, Beth knew she couldn't just sack me because of her sister but it didn't stop her being a bitch either, at the end of the day not everyone likes the boss they work for do they?

I was having lunch with Hugh today so I felt excited and the fact I hadn't seen him since Friday added to that.

I felt hungry to touch his luscious lips, to have him connect with me the way we always did!

Hugh had wanted to to go away with him to California to close a deal but I said no as I had promise mother that I would visit her, he wasn't happy but when was he ever happy when he had no control over me!

Mother wasn't happy when she seen the stitches in my head, complaining say she knew New York was dangerous, I assured her that it was just me being clumsy and she bought it straight away because it was true I was really clumsy!

It was 12:30pm when I received a text from Hugh:-

Where are you, I've ordered lunch


I knew Beth wouldn't let me go yet, I think she deliberately gave me extra work today!

Not finished yet, she needs it straight away be there soon!!


I didn't want to rush as I knew she would just send it back, I heard her office phone ring, praying it wasn't a client wanting extra done I crossed my fingers.

Beth stood in her door way she looked pissed about something,

"Alex go to lunch please!"

"What!! but I'm not finished yet!"

"Just do it, he needs you know apparently!"

She walked back into her office slamming the door behind her making me jump, I'm going to kill him! I hate it when he does this!!

I arrived at the top floor noticing only one receptionist I wonder where the old one was, maybe she's on holiday I thought, the young one smiled and let me straight through.

I entered his office I was so eager to see him,

"Hey princess" he said with a smirk on his face.

"Not funny Hugh, things are awkward enough without you getting involved!"

"Was she pissed?" he said still smiling,

"Just abit, anyway how was your trip, did you close the deal?"

"Yup but I don't care about that right now, all I want is you!"

Hugh grabbed me by the waist pulling me in for a kiss, I didn't care Stephen was looking at us I was hungry for him too.

We sat down to eat after he dismissed Stephen,

"So I was thinking mother is having a charity ball and I am obliged to go, so would you like to be my date?"

"Well you ain't going with any one else so I am obliged to take you!"

"Ha ha very funny, you knew didn't you?"

"Of course Alex, I have better news, me and you are going to the Hampton's Saturday to spend time with Yasmin and her parents"

"Oh right, for a minute I thought you were going to say family!"

"Why would you say that"

"I don't know, you never talk about them, do they live near here? is it just you?"

"I don't mention them because it not important."

"How can you say that, it's your family!"

"Nope there's just father that's it!"

"Do you see him?"

"Where both too busy!"

"Do you ring him then?"

"Why would I? I know he is alright because if he wasn't his doting wife would let me know!"

"So he's married?"

"Alex enough with the questions!"

"So it's ok for me to tell you everything about my family and my past but you are a closed book!"

"Look there's not much to say!"

"Ok well then it won't take long."

"Your driving me nuts woman!"

"Just tell me please Hugh!"

"It's not all cosy like you and your family, I had a hard up bringing, Alex do we have to do this now!"

"Is it bad, a mean is it the kind of chat we should have at home?"

"Yes I think that would be best, when we have a home together I will tell you my life story!"

"No Hugh you will tell me tonight."

"Your impossible Alex!"

"I know, I love you too!"

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