Thirteen: The Planning Room

Start from the beginning

Jungkook was surprised but didn't hesitate to grab Taehyung's hand and give it a good shake. The younger grinned while shaking his head softly. Taehyung's playful antics never failed to make everyone smile. Jimin noted that whenJungkook smiled, his teeth bowed out a bit, giving him a youthful look.

Giving him a...what was it Taehyung said before?

Cuter look.

The two princes exchanged some sort of telepathy between each other during the handshake that Jimin couldn't put his finger on. He crossed his arms, waiting for the prolonged handshake to end. Finally, the other princes released each other's hands, and Taehyung spoke with a hint of mischief in his voice.

"Hey boss, that was good enough, yeah?"

Jungkook rolled his eyes in a mock annoyance with a smile still dancing on his lips. "Yeah yeah Taehyung, you were believable. But I think Jimin did it with more finesse."

Taehyung clicked his tongue. "Finesse? That's called kissing up."

Jimin huffed and pushed Taehyung a little, getting a happy laugh out of the blonde male.

"So immature." Jimin commented as the guards allowed them to pass through the large steel doors and into the inner chambers of the planning room.

Oak Prince

As the two guests of the castle followed Prince Jeon into the planning room, Jungkook felt a pang of pride. Despite his younger age, Jungkook was technically the one calling the shots in this situation. He felt a bit empowered, which also came with the fear of failure, but after Taehyung's small talk with him in the garden, he felt more reassured of himself.

His confidence was restored for the moment.

Jungkook directed the other two princes towards a long table in the back of a large room that had the entire map of Noirwood stretched across it. In a large black region on the very top of the map was a region simply titled 'off limits.' Jihoon's land. Jungkook pushed his index finger into the black cloth that laid over this area and sighed, looking up at his counterparts.

The Stone Prince and Laurel Prince were standing next to different parts of the map, near their respective kingdoms. They were both studying the intricacies of the map with fervor, noting the details that were put into the vast sheet with awe. The Oak Prince spent a lot of time piecing different aspects of the kingdom into this single map, and it showed. There wasn't another map of Noirwood out there with equal detail.

"How do you know where my summer getaway is located?" Taehyung asked with a sort of accusatory tone. "Nobody should know where that is! It's a family secret...or at least, it was. Do you have spies set up in my castle, Jeon?"

Jungkook shook his head, snorting quietly to himself. "No, Taehyung. Based off of reports of certain members of your court who...leak things here and intelligence deducted that the location I have mapped would likely be where you retire to in the colder months. Simple deduction. But alas Taehyung, stop pouting at me like that! I don't have time to explain where my sources come from. You'll just have to trust me."

Jimin was silent. Taehyung petted the area on the map that housed his winter getaway with a sad look in his eyes. "I guess I'll have to relocate..."

Jungkook ignored Taehyung's whining and began to lay out his plan as he walked around the table, tracing his finger along the paths that slithered between regions of Noirwood. He made little gestures with his hands to help clarify his thoughts to the other two princes who were standing patiently at opposite ends of the table.

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