16.2 | In which, self-sacrifice is the cure for all

Start from the beginning

After dressing Madeline walked out from behind the curtain, locking eyes with Elder Williams.

"Where Xavier?" She mumbled, she was confused and slowly growing more anxious by the second. She couldn't feel him, and hoped that it didn't mean he'd gone insane.

"He, well he didn't handle you being out very well," Elder Williams began before glancing around the room,

"It's been almost a year Madeline," she gasped at his admission before feeling tears pool in her eyes. A year, thinking your mate would never return to you, would be torture. Of all the sacrifices made, she wondered if Xavier knew that he willingness to help would lead to hers being the biggest sacrifice of all, for both of them.

She looked at him pleadingly, she couldn't voice her thoughts, she didn't know which one to start with. He nodded at her, before turning and gesturing for her to follow. She stumbled slightly before her father appeared at her side, offering a helping hand.

She wasn't sure when she'd decided to refer to him as her father, but it felt natural and she smiled at the man beside her. He was looking extremely happier, and a lot healthier and she was pleased.

Facing back towards Elder Williams, she noticed they were heading towards the prison area. It was an underground maze of cells, which only the Alpha knew how to navigate. She supposed that with her gone, and Xavier unable to lead, Elder Williams would be acting Alpha. She wasn't sure how she felt about that. The Luna in her rebelled, before claiming as Madeline reassured her wolf, they would still be Luna, even if Elder Williams was Alpha.

Smiling at the guards, she knew they were startled to see her. Madeline was impressed they seemed to remain impassive, and smiled as she heard them faintly talking about her return.

She found herself nibbling on her bottom lip as she continued to follow Xavier, with Arthur at her side. She was nervous, and worried, and happy, and feeling so many emotions that it was almost overwhelming. But most importantly, she wanted to see Xavier.

As they stopped outside a single cell with what she knew was a reinforced door, she felt herself shaking slightly. She could hear the sounds from inside, it was a mixture of anger and pain, or terror and confusion. She moved forward, desperate to enter the cell, snapping ash Elder Williams in his attempt to stop her. She was here for her mate.

She threw the door open, entering the room. She felt the heavy door slam closed behind her and almost rolled her eyes at their cowardice.

"Xavier," she mumbled, reaching her hands in front of her while she waited for her eyes to adjust. Being in a Coma really did dull the reactivity of her senses.

She felt his form move towards her hesitantly, harbouring disbelief, and faint signs of optimism. As her vision cleared, she glanced around and almost fell into tears. He'd been living like this for a year. It wasn't a space big enough to move, covered in focal matter, and he was even worse than the room. He was skin and bone, he was wasting away.

She rushed towards him, she didn't care about his mental state. She was broken, he was broken, she wanted to help her mate. She pulled his body into her arms, as the two of them sank to the floor.

"I'm sorry, so so sorry Xavier. I didn't know." She repeated the words over and over again she she shook, sobbing into his hair. She felt his arms reach out and wrap around her as his entire form relaxed.

"Wasn't your fault," he mumbled into her chest before she felt his breathing even out. He'd somehow fallen asleep. She supposed he'd have been restless for so long, unable to sleep unless physically incapable of staying awake. It was her fault, it was her decision after all.

She heard the door open behind her as Elder Williams and her Dad entered,

"I'd turn, but I don't want to move," she whispered to them, she felt growls emirate from Xavier as they both stepped towards her, shaking her head hoping they'd understand,

"I wouldn't come any closer, either of you," she said harsher than she intended, before shaking her head at herself and mumbling an apology.

Glancing at Xavier's form before her, she bit her lip before attempting to recall any spells of cleanliness. Calling forth every spell she remembered she flicked her finger slightly and smiled as the stench was removed and the room seemed to be slightly more liveable. She was more worried about the fact that she didn't plan to move until Xavier was awake.

Glancing over at Elder Williams who now stood to her left, she directed the question at him, if he were Alpha now, he had to know what had happened with the "cures".

"So, what actually happened?" She asked him, watching as he gulped,

"It's a long story, but bare with me," he started, and she simply nodded at him.

"I'm not sure what led up to your decision, but let me tell you, Xavier was furious about it. He refused to join you for your operation, and that proved to be more dangerous than anything else." Elder Williams trailed off sighing,

"I remember he refused to come, but what do you mean?" She asked quietly, she didn't want to wake Xavier.

"I mean, that when your body began protesting the parts we'd taken, and you started dying, your mate wasn't there to ensure you survived," she gaped at him, she died, AGAIN?

"It's part of the reason he removed himself so far from reality, because he blamed himself, as he should. It's common sense that any mate needs to be present, and he was miles away in the forest 'venting'," he scoffed.

"Well, you know you were out for almost a year, and Xavier, as all mates, didn't react well, so that explains that. His anger is what led him to the cells, I didn't want to, but it was necessary." She nodded her understanding, she felt her was after her approval of his actions,

"Well, I'm not sure about too many of the specifics, but it seemed that every one of your ideas worked, minus the stem cells as we didn't take any of those. Using your bone-marrow, inseminating them and including your blood, and just inseminating them with your blood, every eventuality you thought of, every way in which you suggested they'd be helped it worked." He paused, looking at her in awe this time. She felt herself redden, she didn't think awe was the right response.

"And well, as they say, the rest is history. On the next cycle the women began getting pregnant, delivering happily, carrying fine. You, Madeline, were the best decision this council had ever made." He finished. She wasn't sure to say in response, the entire situation was rather extreme. She understood her science, and the theoretical way in which it worked, but more than anything she wished she'd been able to see the "cure" take place.

If not for her own validation, but for the fact she wouldn't have caused Xavier to be the fraction of a man before her. She pushed her understanding towards him, before resting her head on top of Xavier fully. She knew she'd been in a coma, but she was exceedingly tired.

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