5.1 | In which, two and two make four

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Elenor Neaera: Meryl Streep

Robert Naeera: Tommy Lee Jones



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Pain.It was the all-encompassing, intense, and sharp kind of pain.Throbbing, and swirling through her body, leaving no part untouched. Peeling her eyelids apart with some difficulty, they remained narrowed, gazing at the glaring blue sky as it slowly rocked above her.

It was such a vivid colour, striking against the remnants of trees around her. A charred brown, almost black colour, against the bright blue sky was startling, to say the least. Yet, somehow it bought her hope, the light against the dark. She almost snorted at her thoughts, how ironic, such a quintessential example of good and evil.

Being jolted from the gentle rocking, she winced at the intensification of pain. She did wonder, momentarily, why the wound was still so painful, especially considering the general pace at which shift-were were inclined to heal - she must not have been passed out for long if she was still in such pain. But it was the least of her worries, ranging from a pack of rouge wolves, to shifting in a town full of wolves, and being requested by the couple who found her. Whoever, they were.

She chose to ignore her blatant honesty with Xavier, hoping to skip past that part. It was embarrassing enough that it happened in the first place.

She felt her cheeks warming slightly in response to her thoughts, twitching slightly at the state Xavier had found her. She attempted moving her fingers slightly, only to find she wasn't able to shift them at all. Furrowing her brows she tried marginally harder before making the effort to adjust slightly. Her hand, was entwined with Xavier's who was walking next to her. She appeared to be laying on some sort of medical bed, as she was carried through the forest.

Donald would get a kick out of this one.

Looking up slightly, she met Xavier's gaze, who'd been intently staring at her the entire time. No matter how hard she tugged, he wasn't letting go of her hand. Rather, he seemed on the verge of laughing at her frustration, and the look of genuine amusement in his eyes left a tingling feeling in her stomach. It was as though, the more time she spent with him, the more confused she became.

"I'm sorry dear," the voice came from just behind Xavier, and Madeline propped herself up slightly to find the source. Elenor walked a few paces behind them, struggling to keep up with the speed of the wolves. Xavier growled slightly, glaring at both Elenor and Robert, who looked sheepish in response to his anger.

"We didn't mean to overwhelm you, we were just excited to meet you," she trailed off slightly, as Xavier's glare intensified.

"It's okay," Madeline began, clearing her voice, "It wasn't that, I was just exhausted and..." she trailed off again. She couldn't remember a time where her parents weren't cautioning her against revealing what she was, it wasn't logical for her to start revealing herself now.

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