4.2 | In which, a theory begins to form

Start from the beginning

One of the wolves lunged towards Xavier nipping at his hind legs, causing Madeline to jerk her leg away from where he landed. As another two wolves slammed into Xavier from the side, pushing him off her, and leaving her unprotected. She sat up, quickly assessing her surroundings, only to realise there was nowhere to go. Due to the forest's decay she couldn't climb the trees, or hide in the bushes, she was surrounded and stuck.

She met Xavier's eyes briefly, as her stood, separated from her by three, of the four wolves. She winced as she looked at him, a mess of blood and torn fur. Xavier growled at the wolves ahead of him, before lunging, trying his best to get back to her.

He ripped into the closet wolf, teeth gaining leverage on his neck, before he shook his head side to side roughly. It only took a moment for the wolf to fall still, and Xavier turned, eying up the other two wolves near him. She could tell he was tiring, as he stumbled slightly in his movements. A large gash on his leg dripping blood onto the forest floor.

The wolves went for him, nipping and circling, antagonising him. Relentlessly, they came in intervals, leaving small injuries, which caused further blood loss.

She watched, as he turned and looked at her intently. She wanted to yell at him at that point, who in their right mind looks away from those attacking him? She shook her head violently, flicking her eyes to his right where the smaller of the two wolves lunged toward him. Taking her silent cue, he turned, dropping his form down, reaching a paw up and digging his claws down the stomach of the wolf. He pulled his paw from the wound before standing and growling at the last wolf near him. Blood, dripping from his muzzle and covering his entire boy, both his, and the other wolves.

Despite the blood, and the carnage she saw, she was not afraid of him, which surprised her. Rather, she found she was afraid for him, as he swayed slightly on the spot. He'd lost a lot of blood. She tensed slightly as a slight breeze tickled her neck, it was warm, and wet and she cringed as a blob of slobber landed on her shoulder. It seemed the other wolf had figured out what she'd be good for, other than food.


As the wolf stood there, breathing, Madeline closed her eyes tightly, trying to stay silent. She couldn't afford to distract Xavier in his state, he was already at a disadvantage. She slowly stepped forward, turning to face the wolf, she could hear Xavier and the other wolf fighting behind her, growls and yelps permeating the silence.

"Martina," she inflected internally, before realising whispering wasn't necessary, "I'm going to run, I think the wolf will follow us, but I need you ready because there is no way that human me, is faster than a wolf" ... She trailed off, she knew Martina understood. She didn't say anything, but Madeline could feel her there, strong and unwavering. Her support eclipsing any worry Madeline was plagued with.

With a quick glance toward Xavier, which she hoped he'd read as an apology and encouragement. Madeline spun on her heel and started to run. She wasn't sure what direction she was going in but hoped it would lead her to someone who was able to help.

Making the most of her small head start, Maddie quickly gave control over to Martina, shifting midstride, and landing on all fours, before continuing in her wolf form. Martina picked up speed, as Madeline silently conveyed her encouragement.

She knew immediately she'd made the wrong decision, they, were ridiculously unfit. Puffing within moments of taking off in their sprint, they couldn't afford to slow down, so they both persevered. If they made it through, they were going to be sore in the morning. She sent her silent encouragement to Martina, not being able to offer her much else.

She winced and curled in a ball as they were shunted to the side, the force enough to push them through the nearest tree, scraping along the ground to a stop. She'd been hoping for a decaying tree, one that would break rather than breaking her, but she'd forgotten that would mean she'd be landing on something else.

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