Reality Break

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Knox smiled at the young Witch. He didn't think she knew Father McCabe well, but he would do his best to stay in character and prevent suspicion. He was tempted to grab her and run. It was more strategic to see what information he could get out of her.

"May I come in, my dear?" he asked.

"Of course, would you like some tea?" she asked.

"I'd prefer coffee, it's been a trying day."

"Have a seat. I'll put a pot on."

Knox studied his quarry's house. The living room was lined with bookcases, with windows looking out onto a small garden. The books were non-fiction, mostly on supernatural topics, and cozy murder mysteries. This didn't feel like the home of a powerful Necromancer. It did match the information he'd already learned about Genevieve Adair. She avoided the stereotypes.

"I can't vouch for the quality of this coffee," Marva returned from the kitchen. "Genevieve is more of a tea drinker, at least at home."

He accepted a mug. "Where have they gone, if I might ask?"

"They went out for lunch."

"Why didn't you go with them?"

"I stayed in case you returned. I know you're worried about Father Serrano, we didn't think you should be alone. Where did you go?"

"I had some parishioners who need my guidance."

There was something off about the way the Witch was acting. He'd heard that she was quite sarcastic and a bit of a hard case. Why would she be so kind to a Catholic priest. There had to be some way to catch her out. Perhaps if he let something slip that McCabe obviously wouldn't know.

"I think I might have found Father Serrano," he said. "That's why I came back."

"That's great. Where is he?" Marva asked.

"I have to show you."

"Well, we'll have to wait until the rest of the team gets back. I promised I would stay here."

"But he could be in danger."

"What could you and I do to save him?"

"Because I'm just a plain old human. You're a Witch. You hate Blood Mages. Don't you want a chance at this man yourself?"

"Have you been researching me, Father?"

"What if I have? Matthew is my good friend, the rest of you are unknowns."

There was something about the way she frowned, that alerted him he was about to be spelled. He acted before her. Something the long centuries had taught was how to bind a witch. He pulled a sprig out of his pocket.

"By rowan, I bind thee," he said in Latin. "You shall do no harm to me and mine."

Marva's body froze, but the look in her eyes shouted murder. Knox smiled and he sat on the couch. The others were gone, he would use the witch at his leisure.

"I suppose I could change to my true face, but I might as well keep this visage as long as it lasts. You're right I did research you and your twin sister, Susanna. I knew that Seattle was full of supernatural talent. I was just waiting for the right time to arrive. Now, let's take a little break and see what we can discover about each other. I promise I won't kill you, yet."

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