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"I've never cared much about man's forgiveness. So you think God will forgive anything, if I truly feel sorry for what I've done?" Knox asked.

Serrano studied his face for a long moment. "You don't seem like the type to have done anything you feel sorry for so why are you afraid of me?"

"What do you mean? I'm not afraid of you."

"You are. You know what I can do and we're not headed toward any hospital are we? You're not a police officer."

"Very good Father, but you're the one who should be afraid of me. I used to be a police officer, but I'm not anymore."

He chuckled. "I've lived a very long life. I'm quite ready to die, although I'd rather not, but you can't say the same, can you?"

Knox was taken aback. His existence was defined by the fact that he didn't want to die, ever. He believed Father Serrano wasn't afraid of death. Some might say that this younger man, so ready for the end, was much wiser than he was. They might be right. Knox had spent his long life running away from the things that frightened him; his own death, the death of those he loved, the fact that he himself was a thing he hated. A Blood Mage who used his power to kill others of his own kind. The people with power were wrong. They shouldn't exist. He had worked in the shadows to stop them from being accepted, but it wasn't enough. The taught Necromancy in the Universities now. He feared for the whole world.

"You are very perceptive, but I suppose that's what it means to be an Empath. I'm glad you're not afraid of death, Father, for soon you will meet it," he said.

"Who are you besides a man who wants to murder me?" Serrano asked.

"That's a complicated question."

"Unless you plan to kill me right now in this car, I think we have time to talk. Don't you think talking might lessen your fear? I know it helps me, when I'm afraid."

"How old do I seem to you?"

"You look to be in your early forties, but that doesn't feel right."

It was Knox's turn to chuckle. "I was born in France in 1725. Do you believe that, Father?"

"I'd be lying if I said it didn't surprise me, but yes I believe you. No wonder you fear, God, you've been cheating death for almost 300 years."

Knox shook his head. "My teachers tried to make me to a God Fearing man, but my family has always been more the sorts to put fear into other people. We're Blood Mages, you see."

"I've never met anyone who admitted that to me. I take it that is the secret of your long life?"

"What do you think about those with supernatural powers? How does this sit with your God?"

"God gives us the gifts he wants us to have, supernatural or otherwise."

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