"Frypan were almost in, how are you doing?" Thomas says through the walkie talkie.

"I'm getting there, tell Minho 'Hi' for me." He finishes, his voice slightly distorted from the walkie talkie but nonetheless audible.

"Hang in there buddy." Thomas says before putting the walkie talkie away.

Gally rips open the console as he starts messing with the wiring in the box. I take my mask off as it gets harder to breathe and I begin to have a coughing fit. Newt comes up to me and grabs my hand as I begin to slide down the wall, still coughing. I grip his hand tighter for support before I fully fall to the ground, my back against the wall. Newt kneels down to me as the coughing stops.

"Its spreading way faster for you than it is for me." He says, a slight smirk on his face but it quickly fades.

"Different for everyone I guess." I say before coughing one more time. I feel a hand cup my cheek, presuming its Newts as he pushes my face to the side making me face him. I smile as we look into each other's eyes. Newt rests his forehead on mine as his warm breath fills the time space.

"Y/n, I lo-" before Newt could finish his sentence he is cut off by Gally.

"This will work." He says before continuing work on the wires. Thomas grabs the walkie again, this time talking to Brenda. Newt leans away from me, making me shiver at the lack of warmth.

"What's your status?" Thomas asks Brenda through the walkie as he looks at me, giving me a concerned look. I brush him off as Newt helps me stand. I look at him one more time before slipping my mask back over my head.

What was he gonna say?

"Status is, working on it." Brenda says back through the walkie.

Before Thomas could say anything I cut him off,

"Make sure your ready when we get there Brenda, and please be safe." I say before walking away from the walkie, not needing to hear anything else.

I watch as I see Gally put some sort of contraption on the door of the console box before he closes it back up.

"Lets go." He says before sliding his mask back onto his head.


We wait outside a door that Teresa says she doesn't have authorization for. I'm about to give up until I see the door slides open, making us all pull our guns out as we begin shooting people left and right. As it won't kill them it will stun them long enough to let us do what we need to do. We walk in after everyone is down and I look around to see many doors lining the walls. I walk up to one and look into it to see kids, many kids. I open the door and at first there shocked, but I take my mask off and promise that im here to help. They eventually believe me and follow me out allowing me to let other kids out. I look around and see everyone else doing the same thing. After I open the doors I needed to I look and see Gally trying to find a way to open the vault, where all the bliss is. I look around and grab a handgun from the ground and run up to a guard, holding him up by the collar of his jacket, the gun pointed right at his throat.

"The vault, how do we open it?" I say, the intensity clear in my voice. "You can't…" He says weakly, I give up as I whip the guy with the back of the gun before slipping the gun into my pocket. I stand back up and look around.

"Guys, this might take a while." Gally says as he pulls out a saw and begins to saw through the door. I look around once more and notice that Minho is no where to be found. I furrow my brows at Teresa as she just looks around shocked.

"He's not here" Thomas says as he walks up to Teresa. "Where is he?" Thomas asks, looking at her intensely. I run my hand through my hair as I let out a long sigh.

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