Week 7~ Tuesday

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Tick, tock.

Beep, beep, beep.

Beep, tick, beep, tock, beep.

         "What is all that noise?"

        I inhale a deep breath and the scent of medicine hits me. I scrunch up my nose then slowly start to open my eyes. As I do, I suddenly gasp and my eyes jump open as I look around. I'm in a hospital room... Why am I in the hospital?

        I bite my bottom lip as I try to think, then I remember it all. I remember the awful pain, the fear for my babies, Dad's friend, and that awful moment in the ambulance before I became unconscious. I slowly sit up, wincing slightly in pain, and look around. I see Amanda stretched out and asleep on the pull-out bed under the window, Kimberly curled up and asleep one of the cushy reclining chairs, and Hunter in another straight-backed chair, though he's leaning forward with his head on the hospital bed I'm currently laying on.

        I smile faintly at him before my mind really registers what's going on. I gasp and a small squeal of fear escapes as I quickly put my hands over my stomach, "Are my babies okay?!" I bite my bottom lip then softly poke Hunter's shoulder, hoping to wake him up.

        Hunter's head shoots up and he smiles widely at me, "Harley!" I gasp and wince in pain as Hunter lunges at me and hugs me tightly. He then gasps and pulls away, looking at me apologetically, "I'm sorry, Harley! I didn't mean to hurt you..." I shake my head, ignoring his concern for me, as my own is on two far more important beings,  "Hunter... Are my babies okay?" Hunter nods and looks at me sadly, "Your twins are okay, Harley, but you..." He trails off, obviously not wanting to tell me whatever it is he knows. And luckily, he doesn't have to, because Kimberly and Amanda had both woken up by this point, and are walking to my hospital bed. Amanda smiles sadly at me, "Hey, you okay?"

        I nod and look at Kimberly who has a sad smile matching those of her kids as she reaches forward and tucks a piece of hair behind my ear. She then turns to Hunter and Amanda, "Could you two please give us a minute?" They both nod and turn to leave. Once they're out of the room, Kimberly sits on the edge of my bed and takes my hand, "Harley, sweetie..." She swallows hard and looks down, then back at me. Her expression is one of guilt, disbelief, and sadness, "Have you had sex since you've become pregnant?"

        My eyes go wide and I freeze. I lower my head and look away, "N-No... Why would you ask that..? Who would I even have had s-sex with...?" I see her shaking her head out of the corner of her eye, "I don't know... I asked Hunter, because I know how good of friends you've become, but he said that you two have the relationship of brother and sister... Is that true?" I nod, "I've never even thought of Hunter like that, Kimberly...." Kimberly nods, then sighs sadly, "I'm sorry to doubt honey, but..."

        I glance up at her and my heart feels like it's shattering as I see tears streaming down her face, "Harley... The doctors said that you have a Sexually Transmitted Disease called Chlamydia... And you've also got Pelvic Inflammatory Disease... Since you didn't have either of those when we found out you were pregnant..." She trails off and my breath catches in my throat.

        Nathan had given me an STD! And he's the only one who's done anything like that to me since I had that STD and STI test...

        Oh, god... I have to warn Kimberly... If she and her pathetic excuse of a husband are having sex, that means she's probably infected too... Tears start to well up in my eyes as I realize I'm going to have to break apart a family... That means there will be no more cute family photos up on the walls, no more fun, full family game nights, no more dinner all around the kitchen table... And I'd be the reason...

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