Week 2

441 11 0


       I can hear those footfalls again. Coming toward my room. More than just him. Once again, they all stop right outside my door. I squeeze my eyes shut and shallow my breathing so that they may not notice I'm awake, then light begins to flood in.

        Here they come again.

        I hear the many feet making their way in, then I my door closes. I feel my bed dip down behind me, then the blanket is pulled off my body. Just like last week, I'm slammed flat against the bed by my shoulder, making me wince in pain. Though this time, the eyes above me don't belong to my father. They belong to someone I don't recognize..

        I break my gaze from the man's and look around the room. There were six men in here, none of whom were my father. The man who slammed me down then crawls over me, straddling my legs so that I couldn't move them and putting his hands on my chest to push me down. I force myself to hold back a gasp of pain and just swallow hard. Then, another man comes over and grabs my left arm, holding it still. Another comes over and grabs my right arm, then ties a long piece of rubber above the inside of my elbow to cut off the circulation.        

        Again I swallow hard, then my eyes go wide and I gasp in fear as yet another man walks over with a syringe full of some sort of white liquid.

        I've seen it before.

        Dad has "shot-up" with it before.


        I try struggling to get away as he nears, tears filling my eyes as I'm unable due to the other men holding me down. I hear many laughs, then a sharp pinch in my arm. I gasp in pain, then feel the warm liquid running mercilessly through my veins.

        However, my panic lasts for only a few seconds before an absolutely wonderful feeling sets in. I feel like I'm laying on a cloud, or, no... Better yet, like I'm laying on air! My bed is so comfortable, I can't help but let out a small moan of contentment as I move around and settle a bit more into it.

        I hear a few chuckles, then the man still on my legs begins to run his hands beneath my shirt, his touch so light it tickles, and I can't stop the giggle that escapes my mouth. This seems to please him. He pulls the rubber off my arm and throws it to the floor before gesturing for the other men to let me go. He then pulls my shirt off, then my bra, then leans over me and starts kissing me roughly.

        The euphoric feeling goes away after about a minute or so, but I still felt really amazing. I glanced over at my clock as the man moved his lips to my jaw, then neck, then chest. 6:07, it read. The kids would be getting up in about an hour.

        A gasp slips through my lips as the man gets off me, then pulls off the rest of my clothes, leaving me naked as I stare up at him. The intense look in his  eye makes me giggle again, then he leans down after removing his own shirt to kiss me roughly once more.

        Once all six men were done playing around with me, they finally decide to leave. I glance at the clock, 8:14. I don't know why it's always disgusted me for the men to do to me what they do.. I mean, today, it didn't feel that bad. I mean, I wouldn't ask for it,  but it's not all as painful as I've always thought.

        I shrug out of my thoughts and stand up, turning to look at my bed and noticing the mixture of liquids along it. I laugh then walk into the bathroom, not bothering to get dressed before I leave my room since everyone would already be gone by now, anyway.

        After brushing my hair and wiping off most of the fresh and dried blood from this morning, I get dressed in a white long-sleeved shirt, black hoodie, white skinny jeans, and black Vans shoes. I then go down to the kitchen and grab an apple that I eat on my way out to the car. I drive to school, fighting to stay awake while I yawn and my eyes drift closed from time to time.

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