Week 7~ Saturday

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I stared up into those eyes, filled to the brim with a mixture of pity and lust... Oh how I hate those eyes. I never did know where the pity came from... Maybe he would begin to realize that his actions were those of a sick and twisted individual?

Though, by the continuation of his actions I'd say the more likely conclusion is that he pitied himself for being stuck with someone like me beneath him.

The pain erupts once more throughout my entire body. That all too familiar heat burns me to my core, a heat much like what I imagine the pits of hell to feel.

This pain which I've felt a million times before; what's a million and one to someone like me? What's the difference?

... The difference is that now I have family. I have a mother, a brother, sister, two beautiful children, and an adorable niece.

And now he reappears to ruin all of it. Once again, he wants me all to himself.

How did he even get out? How did he find me? Why did he get out to find me, again?

Questions, countless in number, swirl around in my mind, all at least similar to those. However, I'm pulled from my thoughts as he grabs my shoulders an begins to shake, staring me in the eye as he shouts my name. Over and over again, the only sound in my ears is: "Harley, Harley!"

Why would he call for me if I'm right here? He's already got me right where he wants me, right where he's always wanted me.. So why must he shout and give me a headache in addition to everything else at the moment? Does he truly hate me that much?

After a few more minutes of him shaking and yelling at me, I finally close my eyes tightly and begin to cry. The pain going through my whole body has just become unbearable... I can feel blood seeping out from places it shouldn't, cuts stinging from the harshness of the cool air around me, bruises aching from the pressure of his body atop mine, the headache from his repeated words serve only as the icing on the cake against this internal struggle with myself to not give him the satisfaction of seeing my emotions.

My eyes shoot open as he screams out one last "Har!", and above me are not the eyes I'd seen only minutes ago, not the eyes which have brought me nothing but pain and misery through all my life, but instead were hunter green eyes, watching me with concern and sadness.

A breath of relief escapes his lips as they curve ever so slightly into a smile. " Hey, Har... You okay, there?"

As if remembering something, Hunter's eyes go wide and he scrambles off my bed, standing at the other side of my room.

Aah, that's right... My dream from last night, he remembers how I freaked out on him...

"It's... Alright for you to be over here, Hunter... I'm not afraid of you, anymore.. That was just a dream,and..." I clear my throat as I pull myself up on shaky arms, into a sitting position. "That was too, I guess." I furrow my brows as I reach up to push a hand through my hair, only to be met with a soaking wet mess of matted up strings.

Hunter chuckles lightly as he slowly walks toward me again, giving plenty of chances for me to change my mind and send him away. I look up at him when he gets to my bedside, a disgusted expression blatantly upon my face.

"Please tell me you poured water over me while I was asleep?"

He gives me a sympathetic look, then shakes his head with a small smile. He then reaches forward and rubs my cheeks, his hand gliding effortlessly, proving to me that even my face is soaked. "You were having another bad dream... I was walking down towards the kitchen, and heard you whimpering in here... I came in and I've been to to wake you up for about five minutes, now." He chuckles nervously, "Any longer and I was gonna have to bring Mom in here."

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