Week 7~ Thursday

294 7 4

Today they're releasing me from the hospital, much to my satisfaction. After observing me through the night and into the morning, I guess they've decided that so long as I continue taking these antibiotics with a name I'm not even able to pronounce let alone spell, and so long as I take it easy, then I'm perfectly fine to go home.

Though, I'm a bit scared to know exactly what'll be waiting for me, there...

I've never associated the word 'home' with somewhere I could feel safe and protected... I guess I'm just scared I still won't be able to.

I was woken up this morning by a nurse coming into my room to check on me. It was about 7:30, and I was the only one who woke up. Kimberly had moved at some point during the night in order to sleep on the little pull out couch at the far end of the room, rather than the uncomfortable folding chair beside my bed.

Hunter, however, was still in the same place. He laid next to me in bed, his arm wrapped loosely around my waist while his brown hair hangs limply across his forehead, his lips parted slightly so I can hear his breath; borderline snoring, really. I smile at this, the nurse completely gone from my mind until I feel the blood pressure cup on my right bicep beginning to tighten, making me look over to her.

"Good morning, Miss Jenson!" Is her cheery greeting. Despite the fact that I'm not being as awake and happy as she's paid to act, I still force a small smile and manage the first part of her greetings back before a yawn takes me over. "Good morning."

After checking off several things on her little clip board-oh how I'm learning to despise those things- she informs me that the doctor would be making his rounds soon, so I would get to meet him.


After the nurse, whose name I discovered is Serenity, leaves my room, I feel Hunter begin to stir beside me. A soft grunt escapes his lips as I watch his eyes tighten together, his arm also stiffening around me.

"Hunter?" Another grunt is his response, making me giggle softly before snuggling against his chest and falling back asleep. I swear I felt his lips on the top of my head just before I succumbed to the darkness, but as there was no other movement from him.. I'm not really sure.

The next time I was woken up was at 10:04, there was a man in a white lab coat standing at the and of my bed, just watching me while tapping his fingers against-you guessed it- a clip board...

I feel my throat tighten in fear as I shuffle myself close against Hunter, burying my face against his chest as I silently hope the man would just leave me be.

Of course my logical mind tells me to calm down, taking in the man's stance and attire to assure me he is a doctor.

The other part of my mind, the part which holds on to nothing but what men have done to me in the past, can focus only on the fact that a stranger-a man- was watching me sleep...

Can you guess which side won?

A scream rises in my throat as I close my eyes and tightly clutch onto Hunter's chest. Before I'm able to even think through what I'm doing, instinct takes over and the scream erupts out my throat and echoes through the room.

I feel Hunter jolt awake, his arms protectively tightening around me at the same time I hear Kimberly gasp awake and mutter incoherently.

I felt bad for waking them up, but at the same time I didn't care too much as I'm in a thorough panic.

The sound then of feet hitting the floor reaches my ears, and I assume its the doctor moving away from me. If he's got even half a brain he should realize that he probably shouldn't have just been standing there watching me, at least not without someone else awake, or a nurse in my room... I mean, its just creepy to watch your patient sleep like that.

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