Roxy's Heart (part 5/?)

Start from the beginning

I ended up in Coruscant like I had hoped, I had heard so many amazing things about that place, but I was fourteen and not many people would hire, I had a few oddball jobs, busing tables and the likes, when i was about seventeen I got into some shady stuff, underground market kinda stuff and I was smuggling things for people. One day some guy asked if I wanted a new kind of job, something with more excitement that paid better, I said yes. He had me killing people left and right, rival gang bosses, I wasn't very good at first but then by the time the Empire came around I was the best at what I did.

If you wanted someone killed with no questions asked except who it was, I was your guy, I'd research, kill 'em and get paid. When the Empire got a whiff of me, they recruited me to take down anyone who was left from the GAR, if they felt they had a traitor in their ranks, I took care of it and got paid handsomely. Then you came along and, you know the rest.." He quickly ended and took another long sip.

"I'm so sorry, you shouldn't have had to go through that." Roxy said, taking his hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze. Benjamin looked over at her, tears in his eyes, he blinked them away quickly and looked away, "Yeah..."

"Did you ever see your dad again?" Roxy asked, "No, he's still alive, I know that much. I never returned to Mandalore, never saw a point and I figured it was for the best, I was the best at killing so I knew what would have happened." Benny explained.

Roxy hummed in response, staring out into the void of hyperspace, "What did you all read about me? From the Empires file, not my old GAR ones." 

"Just that you were a traitor and a murderer, which I know isn't true, and just things like that so I assumed I knew everything, which I clearly didn't because you're a good person, I know that now." he replied and smiled sadly at her.

Roxy thought for a moment, she needed to clear this depressing atmosphere or else she might suffocate. "Did you know my favorite color is blue?" She asked, "I didn't. Mine is Red." 

"I'm allergic to Loth cat hair, but I have a pet one back home named Pepper." ~R

"I used to be able to quote this one book from beginning to end because I had read it at least thirty times." ~B

"I fractured my ankle when I was thirteen"

"I threw a rock at a guy and gave him a black eye"

They continued this for hours, sharing dumb facts and things they had done, it was nice. Roxy hadn't felt this comfortable with anyone since Rex, she knew he wasn't lying like Daviin was, Benjamin was being genuine, and she trusted him.

Benjamin hadn't felt this at home with anyone since his mother, he felt cared for, especially when Roxy said he should get some rest and that she would take watch. 

"You sure you don't want my company?" He asked, "Trust me, I was on my own two seperate occasions for years at a time, I can handle being by myself while you sleep, besides, I'm not alone, you're gonna be three feet away from me." She replied. 

Benny smiled and took off his boots and laid in Roxy's bed, "Oh my God!" He exclaimed, "What? What's wrong?" Roxy urgently asked, "This bed is fucking horrible, how do you sleep on this?" He chuckled, "Hey! I used to sleep on the ground, in dirt and snow, whatever. Be thankful I even let you sleep there, kid" She teased, "I'm only two years younger than you!" Benny said while laughing. 

"Well, you're still younger, are you not?" Roxy asked with her brow cocked, he just chuckled and covered up, rolling on his side to try and rest. Roxy watched him for a moment, then sat back down in the pilots seat, nursing her drink as she stared at space. 

Her comm link bleeped and she jumped, she quickly answered. "Roxy here." 

"Heya kiddo, I haven't heard from you in days, are you okay?" Rex asked, "Yeah Rex, I'm fine. I've just been busy, I'm heading to another planet now and then...I don't know. How's everything back home?" She asked, "Good! Went on a mission with the kid, he reminds me of Skywalker, reckless and makes trouble. It felt like the good ole days..." he trailed off.

"Don't start getting sappy on me, Vod, I've been drinking and I don't think I can handle talking about those days without crying like a ik'aad." She snorted a laugh. 

"Are you still alone? What happened to that friend of yours?" asked Rex, "Ah, he's not with me, I'm currently traveling with a different friend, and I like this one better, he's not a shabuir, a di'kut sure but he's a good guy." Roxy explained, "It's a guy?" Rex asked, a teasing tone to his voice. "Don't pull that whole older Vod thing with me." Roxy warned, taking a swig of her drink.

"I won't vod'ika, is he gonna be staying with you for a while? Maybe he'd like to come join our little rebellion?" 

Roxy frowned and looked down, "Nah, I don't think so...he's got his own thing going for him. I wish he'd stay but he can't." she replied quietly so as not wake Benjamin. "Well, I'll hope to see you soon vod'ika." 

"Yeah, hopefully." she smiled a bit and hung up. 

Benny hadn't fallen asleep yet, he felt horrible, here he was with what could be the best friend he'd ever have, and he had to go back to the Empire or they'd kill him. He couldn't leave with her now because he had a tracking chip in him and if he took it out they'd send someone to kill him. 

They were nearing Coruscant, they would be there in only a day and a half, then he would have to do the hardest thing he'd ever done, which was saying a lot. He tried to shake all those thoughts from his mind and get some rest for once, he finally fell asleep after half an hour. He had woken briefly to Roxy softly singing some old song, but that only lulled him back to sleep, a peaceful sleep for once in his life.

To Be Continued...


A/N: This one wasn't as long, I kinda procrastinated lol but this was more of a filler chapter, and these two getting to know each other and learning more about Benjamin Rivvens! I hope you all enjoy, it might be a while before I update again, I'm gonna be busy this weekend and it's been kinda nice outside lately and I like being outdoors lol So, for now enjoy! 

Shabuir- Jerk

Vod- Brother

Vod'ika- Little sister

Di'kut- Idiot

Kriff- Fuck

Charaak- Bitch

Hut'uun- Coward

Mando'a words so I don't confuse you guys I get all my words from the link down below! More Mando'a will be spoken in this later so I'll put the translations below the authors note! :)

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