Roxy's Heart (part 6/7)

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Benjamin woke up when he heard Roxy swearing about something in Mando'a. He got out of the bed, rubbing his eyes, and saw Roxy in a hole that contained the ships engine and what not, he knelt down. "Need any help there?" He asked, Roxy jumped and hit her head on a pipe, "Holy Kriff!" She swore and rubbed her head, she looked up at him and winced at the light coming from above, "Uh, no I almost got it, a flex-pipe split so I just have to finish tightening it down." Roxy explained. "Since when do you know how to fix a ship?" Benny asked, genuinely curious. "Well, whenever I talked back to my General back in the day, I would get 'punished' by helping out the mechanics, but Rex would just get in trouble to come hang with me so it wasn't ever a punishment." She replied with a smile and she used a wrench to tighten a few bolts.

Benjamin got up to check the GPS, "Wait!" Roxy called, he turned back and looked down, "I need help getting out..." She said awkwardly, Benny laughed, "I should leave you down there!" 

"You wouldn't dare, you Charrak!" Roxy yelled as she laughed, Benjamin held a hand down to her, and pulled her out of the pit, stumbling with her in his arms, they regained their balance and Roxy thanked him. They went to the cockpit and sat in the chairs, just a few hours until they were on Coruscant. Roxy had been thinking about this since she woke up, she hadn't been on Coruscant since...

She shuddered and rubbed her head. "How long has it been since you were on Coruscant?" Benny asked, "It's uh...been a while. almost sixteen years I think, I didn't go back after order 66 and all that, I didn't want to see what it had become," Roxy said darkly, "Is it still a shit-hole?" She asked, "It's not too bad, I've seen worse but it's still in the top 5 shittiest of holes." Benjamin tried to joke, Roxy smiled sadly and looked back into space. 

She didn't want to go there, she should have reset the coordinates for home, taken him back to the base, she had thought about it. But she eventually talked herself out of that, it wasn't her business, he was just barely her friend, but she felt connected to him, they shared a lot in common.

They had entered the atmosphere, this was it, the first time she's been here in over a decade, Roxy felt as if she might puke. Once the city was within sight, Roxy's heart dropped into her stomach at the sight, sure back in the day there were still gangs and crime and all that, but it just looked like a busy city, looked more industrial, there was no homey feel to it at all. It felt cold and unwelcoming. 

She landed the ship somewhere no one would find it, and opened the door. This was it.

"Can't you just come with me? They might kill you here!" Roxy said, surprising herself. Benjamin frowned and turned to look at her, "I can't, they'll find me, they can track all their assassins, I would only be putting you...and your friends of danger." he replied, "Please, you don't have to do this, you can leave this life behind like I did!" She said with hope. 

Benny sighed, he could feel tears building up, he swallowed hard, "Look, I know you left this behind, but you at least had the clones, I didn't have anyone." 

"You have me." Roxy said, tears threatening to spill. Benjamin shook his head, "I don't have you, because I have to send you away to keep you safe." he told her, Roxy looked as if she had been stabbed, Benny hated that it was him making her feel that way, "Don't you do that! I don't need to be kept safe, I was unsafe my entire life! Don't be a hero, I lost too many people that I cared about like that!" She yelled, tears falling now, why did she care this much?

"Roxy I'm sorry, but I have to go, and so do you. It's not safe for you here. I'm sure they won't kill me, just demote me and send me on shitty jobs, I'll be okay." He lied about the last part, they probably wouldn't kill him, but he would be punished or brainwashed. 

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