"Do you have any new friends?" He asked.
"It took a while, but yes. a magician is also there. "
Harry was confused.
"I thought only Muggle and Squibs live in the home?"
Dudley shook his head.
"No, even criminalized witches and wizards are included. However, they may only perform magic under supervision. If any. We've recently had one who has been trying to hex her student into a coma. An impossible person. I was not so eaten by hatred. "
"Eliot," Harry hissed angrily. His outburst even made some wince at the neighboring tables.
"Um, you know her?"
Harry was too angry to answer. Severus put his hand on his thigh.
"The girl she attacked is Harry's best friend. The two are like siblings. "
"Then it was you who broke her staff?"
"I bit through it," Harry replied with satisfaction in his voice.
Dudley laughingly threw his head back.
"Merlin, I would have liked that.
In the meantime, I have learned that wizards are not worse or better than other people. But this kid. I even get nightmares. Honestly, I'd love to miss her a brush haircut. That would be a punishment. "
Harry grinned.
Severus cocked his head.
"Merlin? You use our proverbs? "
The young man nodded.
"Yeah, if you hear them so often, that will eventually get stuck."

When her ordered food arrived, Harry stared in disbelief at his cousin's plate.
"What's this?"
"A salad, you have one too."
"Um, yes, but there are still shrimps on my farm. Is that really enough? "
dudley grinned and speared a tomato.
"Have you become a health guru now?" The White Vampire wanted to know.
"However, our doctor, or as you would say healer says, I just have to be careful that I'm not exaggerating. I should not fall to the other extreme. "
Harry turned to his husband.
"Sev, you created a monster."
The Potions Master and Dudley burst out laughing.
Harry shook his head, grinning.
"As long as you eat enough to get full."
Dudley became serious again.
"Believe me, I've seen exactly what you can do with too little food in a body. I am still ashamed when I think about it. Do you remember, my eleventh birthday? "
Harry grinned.
"Of course, I exchanged you with a snake."
Dudley snorted.
"Yes, but I think of the breakfast. As I have listed myself there. "
Harry grinned as well.

"I read about your husband and you in the newspaper. They have pretty much turned over. Especially what they said about your organs and all the crap. I was really sick. "
"Me too," Harry agreed.
Severus grunted.
"But I also read that some had to jail this Brotherhood for example. The best I found the talon. "
Harry was surprised.
"You are very well informed."
Dudley nodded.
"Why do you think I addressed your husband with Lord?"
Severus snorted.
"As long as you do not call me 'Rosenprinz'. By the way, Harry is also a lord and not because he's married to me. I do not know why people always forget that? "
The young man shrugged.
"Probably for the same reason why they forgot to address Harry with the right surname. He's still Harry Potter for them. "
The vampire counsel growled.
"I can not stand this name."
"Can I understand, certainly not easy. And I thought my dad would be profit-oriented. but one thing I have to say, you look absolutely stunning. "
"Yeah, like a girl."
Dudley looked questioningly at Severus.
"Do not ask, I still could not talk it out."
"Why, is he showering with his eyes closed?"
"Dudley!" Harry stared wide-eyed at his cousin. he just smirked.
"What? I'm sure you still look like a boy to you. "
Harry blushed and returned to his salad.

"How is your parents?" Severus wanted to know a little later.
Dudley sighed and put the cutlery down.
"They just do not want to learn it. The last time I saw her my dad was thinner but he stank. Mum is the other way around. "
Harry was confused.
"I thought they could only eat a certain amount. How is Petunia supposed to increase there? "
"Quite simply, in the past she always dieted to be so slim that she could tell the neighbors. She always ate too little. And now she is eating frustration. "
Harry shook his head. So, after a while, his aunt finally had enough to eat, but as her body was no longer used to the food, she was just beginning to eat.
"How can you starve voluntarily?" It went through the boy's head.
The others could not answer him that.
"So you still scold Harry?Severus continued.
"More than before, if you ask me. Harry, I'm sorry, I know what they did to you. But, I can not completely renounce them. "
Harry nodded.
"I understand already. They are your parents. And they were always nice to you. "
dudley was relieved that his cousin seemed to understand him.

They ordered something to drink and Harry talked about the school and the last stressful weeks.
"How is it with you, is not it exhausting to have so many hours?"
Dudley shrugged.
"In the beginning, yes. But I told you, through the structured day we should be distracted from our anger. And it works. In the beginning I was so exhausted that I did not have the energy to curse anymore. And now I'm used to it. I already had some internships. I already know what I want to do later. "
That, Harry interested now. He leaned forward curiously and opened his ears.
His cousin grinned.
"I want to breed sheep and goats."
Harry almost fell off the chair. his ears twitched and he looked back at his husband.
"Did he just say he wants to become a farmer?"
"It sounded that way," Severus said.
Dudley fought off.
"Not quite. I want to harvest fleece wool. And that's only possible with blue woolly sheep. "
"You want to breed magical animals?" Harry asked.
"Yes, I was fortunate to be able to help a breeder in Ireland. And, I enjoyed it. This wool feels like she's caressing you. "
"I know. Severus completely changed my clothes and there were some pieces of fleece wool. "
"And for what the goats?"Severus wanted to know.
The young man grinned mischievously.
"That's especially interesting for you. I want to win Bezoar. "
Severus made big eyes.
"That would not be bad, though. How exactly did you imagine that? You can not kill animals, that's what I've taken care of. and you can not pay anyone to do it. So how do you want to get at the stones that lie in the stomach of the animals after all? "
Dudley nodded.
"Yes, but I thought there had to be another way to get to the stone."
"And, do you have an idea?"
"Yes, actually, this stone is nothing but vaults like cats and owls produce. So all you have to do is find a way for the goat to choke it up. Then she could produce more of it. What do you all mean?"
Harry and Severus looked at each other for a moment. they were amazed at Dudley's delight. At some point, Harry started to smile.
"Sev, I think you found a new business partner."
The gloomy man smiled too.
"You're right."
Now the young Dursley did not understand anything anymore.
"What exactly does that mean now?"
"Simply Mr. Dursley, if you eventually have your own yard, I will provide you with a potion that will make the animals vomit. But you should learn enough about the animals first, so it will not hurt them. Besides, it's going to be a mess. that's the way I have a supplier for the stones and they have live animals. "
Dudley beamed all over his face. He was enthusiastic about the idea. That way he could keep in touch with Harry.

They stayed another hour, but then it was time for Dudley to leave.
"I'm allowed to go out on my own, but I have to be home in time. Otherwise there will be trouble."
Harry nodded. He hands over a cheek to his cousin.
"Here's your birthday. Just a small thing. "
Dudley smiled.
"Thanks, little one, I will write to you."
Outside they said goodbye. Severus and Harry Apparated back to the manor.

"What did you give him?" Severus wanted to know.
"It's just a game of Fred and George."
"About, catch the tail?"
Harry nodded.
"I sent a letter to the supervisor before. they thought it was alright. "
"Well then. Come, you have promised that you will teach me something about the goblin customs. "
Harry smiled.
"It's not that much, you learn that fast."
Severus pulled his man closer to him.
"If you say that," he whispered.
Harry felt good. he loved his wonderful husband.

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