Chapter Three: This is Going to Take Some Getting Used To

Start from the beginning

“Halt!” I yelled at Niall as he went to scurry away. He froze and stood there like a deer in headlights for a moment before his shoulders slumped and he turned around to face me.

“Since you’re so hungry, you can help me and Zayn make dinner.” I said sweetly. He pouted but immediately headed towards the pantry again to get the jar of sauce. I laughed at this. I loved how he knew where all my food was in this house and he’s only been here a few times. When it came to food, I’m sure he’d memorize where a crumb was in a stack of hay.


After lots of arguing and commanding, burnt sauce, a messy kitchen, and a broken glass later, Dinner was done. I knew one thing however. My mother was never letting me cook dinner with the boys again. I didn’t have a problem with that though. I was lazy.

“Dinner!” Zayn finally called out as I divided up portions of food into seven different bowls. Zayn walked over and helped me carry all of the bowls towards the table. I placed glasses around and different sodas in the center of the table as well as napkins. I knew they were going to need. It. Harry, Louis, and Jules emerged from the living room and Cody came out of the game room. Niall grabbed the biggest bowl and sat down, digging right in. Everyone else took their seat but I just turned around and headed back into the kitchen.

“Uhh… Alex?” Zayn asked turning around in his seat. “Aren’t you going to sit down and eat with us?”

I nodded and grabbed the pot with the extra pasta in it. I poured it into a container and added sauce.

“Yeah, I’m just making a plate for Liam.” I shrugged at them as if it was obvious. They all kind of froze and looked at me like I had five heads. I looked up at them curiously and laughed nervously.

“Umm, why are you all looking at me like that?” I asked and covered the container and placed it in the fridge. I put everything in the sink and walked over to my seat and sat down, starting to pick up some pasta with my fork.

“Because we’re wondering why you would do that.” Jules said slowly, exchanging a look with Zayn, who nodded in agreement. I rolled my eyes at them.

“Because he needs to eat.” I said matter-of-factly.

“But he just stormed out. We figured he missed dinner; sucks for him.” Harry said in the same tone as Jules, receiving another round of nods.

“Why are you guys against this? What do you want me to starve you best friend?” I laughed at them. They were being ridiculous.

“Okay Alex, you clearly aren’t getting our point.” Niall started. He had stopped eating. Oh my God, this was serious. “After the way Liam’s been treating you, we figured you’d feed his pasta to the dog and throw the bow at his face.” Niall said slowly, treating me like a five year old. I bit my lip and played with my pasta, shrugging. It’s not like anything had changed. He was always a dick to me. Being mean to him would just make things worse.

“Listen, I don’t care if he hates me. He’s living in my house; I’m going to be a good host.” I said and took another bite of pasta. Everyone at the table exchanged a glance but got the hint that this conversation was over.

As if on cue, the front door swung open and in came Liam. He shut the door behind him and walked into the kitchen, looking at the full table.

“Dinner without me?” he asked bitterly.

“Well someone stormed out.” Jules muttered under her breath and leaned her head against her hand looking irritated. I gulped and looked at the table.

“So there’s none left for me? Awesome.” He said and went to walk out. I stood up and without thinking grabbed his wrist. We both froze. In fact, I think everyone in the room froze. I pulled my hand away awkwardly.

It's More of a "Hate, Hate" Thing... (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now