♡ 52 - dedicated to my headache ♡

536 42 44

(a/n: short n fluffy)

Logan had a headache. He wrapped his arms around one of Patton's like a koala and rested his head on his shoulder. "Patton, I fucked up."

"What do you mean?" Patton asked.

"I'm not a dunce. I remember everything I said last night." He blushed.

"Did you mean all of it?"

"What do you mean by all of it?"

"You said you liked being called a slut and 'baby' and you want... something in your mouth."

Hearing that come from Patton made Logan's entire body stiffen. "Oh, look at the time! I should get ready." He hopped out of bed hurriedly despite his headache and rushed to the bathroom in a millisecond.

Virgil had invited Roman over the night before, and there they were in Virgil's bed, extremely far away from each other.

Roman woke up a few minutes after Virgil, who was on his phone to procrastinate getting up. When he saw Virgil awake, he smiled hazily and pecked his boyfriend's lips.

"You have morning breath," Virgil laughed tiredly. "Anyway, thanks for helping with my headache."

"I don't get how listening to nerdy podcasts and eating ice cream with you helped your headache."

"It's not nerdy! It's Welcome to Night Vale, and don't you dare insult my unhealthily large consumption of ice cream!"

Roman laughed. "Let's get up. You should change. What is this, wash and wear?" He pointed at Virgil's sweater.

"Nice reference," Virgil said, rolling his eyes playfully. "That's my line, by the way." He combed his messy hair. "Unrelated, but what would Falsettos be like if they carried the Mendel-Marvin rivalry even further? Like, that's not the point of the show at all, but it'd be cool."

"That would be cool, yeah, but you know what would be cooler?"


"If Marvin had a total villain ballad."

Virgil made a loud offended noise. "No! It would sound great because William Finn is a legend, but Marvin is not a villain. If they added a song, it should've been Whizzer Going Down. And Marvin did shitty things, but you know what he deserved? A completely, completely fluffy love song with Whizzer. They barely got shit together! They had Unlikely Lovers with the lesbians and The Thrill of First Love and What Would I Do, but how about something where they're cuddling alone?"

Roman sighed. "True."

They headed to the kitchen and Virgil prepared two bowls of cereal, still talking. "Oh my God. Jason should have gotten another song. He deserved it after all he went through. How about at the end of the show, after he puts the chess piece on the gravestone, he does that 'my father says that love is the most beautiful thing in the world' with something really dark and sad after that?"

"Do not break my heart like that! The ending is sad enough and it's hard not to cry while singing Falsettoland Reprise already."

Virgil randomly put his arms around Romans neck and kissed him deeply.

"Who was the one complaining about morning breath again?" Roman teased. "Also... What?"


"What was that for?"

Virgil crossed his arms. "I was looking at you and you look really cute when you're tired. Also, I didn't know how to continue the conversation."

"I don't look cute all the time?" Roman gasped in mock offense.

"Well- Roman!"

Roman scooped his smaller boyfriend in his arms and threw him on the couch. Virgil laughed. With Roman hovering over him with a big, dumb, tired smile on his face, Virgil brought him into another kiss.

Roman made Virgil forget about everything. Virgil felt like a nineteen year old. Like how he always wanted to feel. Like how he was supposed to feel.

"I love you," he sang.

"Yeah, yeah," Roman laughed. "I love you too. Brush your teeth."

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