♡ 5 - apartment/condo ♡

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The next day, Virgil was unpacking one of his many boxes. He heard a knock on the door and he quickly went over.

"Hey," he said casually.

Declan smiled. "Hello!"

They started unpacking right away.

Midway through, Declan asked, "Hey, do you go to college near here? How do you go while needing to do this show?"

"Well," Virgil said, "Yeah, my college isn't that far of a drive away. And like, I skipped second and third grade, so I've already gone through three years of college. I told them I might be delaying my last year, depending on how long I'm going to end up doing Falsettos."

"Oh, cool!"

They continued talking like they had been friends for years, and every minute they spent together, the harder Virgil fell for Declan.

Roman was bored that night.

Remy was in Ohio meeting his friend who he was recording a song with.

So Roman was in his condo.


He knew the day after would be exciting, but the day after seemed days away. He sang a few (hundred) show tunes to make up for the lack of noise from his roommate.

He wasn't alone a lot, but his friends were currently doing their own shows too. He didn't have many friends who weren't performers.

He finally became tired so he set his alarm for the morning and watched some bootlegs until he fell asleep.

all the world's a stage // prinxiety ✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें