♡ 12 - yes, and spiteful ♡

790 53 74

(a/n: sorry for the slow updates on all my books! school's been a bitch)

"Are you okay? I didn't push you too hard, did I?" Virgil asked after running through This Had Better Come to a Stop.

"Of course not! It didn't hurt at all. It's all fake, stop worrying," Declan laughed playfully.

His phone started ringing and he picked up right away. Eagerly, he asked, "Hello?"

Virgil cocked his head in confusion. He saw the number when it appeared on Declan's phone, and it didn't have a contact name.

"Oh my God, thank you! Oh, that's great.... Okay, thank you, bye."

"Huh?" the teenager asked.

The taller man's unique eyes twinkled. "I got a call from the hospital -- my brother's recovering."

Roman sat on the other side of the room and watched Virgil give Declan a hug. He shook his head and looked back down at his phone.

He had befriended all of his cast mates except for Declan. Not that they were on bad terms, but Roman didn't want to associate with him.

After rehearsal, Roman went home and instantly fell asleep. He usually didn't become worn out so easily, but he worried about Virgil.

Virgil, on the other hand, was arguing with Declan.

"Because it's wrong!"

"Pfft, yeah!"

"You can't do that to someone, De! Especially your boyfriend! You said you care but you keep doing this, and I'm sick of it!"

"Fine! Sorry! Is that what you wanted to hear?"

"No! I wanted to hear a genuine apology!"

"The world doesn't revolve around you, Virgil! Quit being such an attention whore!"

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