♡ 8 - scared ♡

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A couple days passed and Declan and Virgil were celebrating their one week anniversary.

It took everything in Roman to stop himself from saying, "Are you fucking joking?"

Because what the fuck is a one week anniversary?

Who celebrates one week?!

So, while Roman was going crazy, he managed to stay put to not scream in frustration during rehearsal.

Virgil was getting more comfortable with performing The Thrill of First Love. He thought that maybe him and Declan got into a relationship too fast...

But he stopped caring. He was too blinded by love to realize his mistake.

He agreed to himself that he'd take a break if he thought they were moving too fast and that Declan would understand.

Roman was glaring at Declan for a split second during Marvin at the Psychiatrist.

"Marvin at the Psychiatrist: A Three Part Mini Opera," Virgil said. He sat cross legged on a large block.

Virgil was no idiot. He saw the way Roman stared daggers at Declan, but he chose to ignore it, being oblivious to the reason for Roman's actions.

Roman could tell something was up with Declan.

When the cast was taking a short break, Roman asked Virgil where Logan Taylor; judge and lighting dude was, Declan gently pulled Virgil away.

Virgil looked pissed. "Why did you have to do that?"

"What was he saying to you?"

"He was asking me where Logan was! You don't need to be so jealous, okay?"

Declan nodded. "I'm sorry. I'll stop, I just care about you a lot."

Virgil's anger dissolved by a little bit, but he was still pretty annoyed. "...I forgive you."

Declan kissed his dark haired boyfriend, who cracked a tiny smile.

"I'm gonna go talk to Roman now," he said.

Declan left Virgil and Roman alone.

Roman heard their entire conversation. Is Virgil an idiot?! he wondered. Declan's apology did NOT sound sincere.

Virgil was no idiot.

Maybe he was.

Every day spent with Declan, he felt more and more stupid.

They were in Declan's apartment.

Well, Declan left without warning, but Virgil didn't leave in case he came back anytime soon.

Ten minutes passed.




Virgil: hey? you ok?

De ♥: oh, yeah

Virgil: why'd you leave suddenly? i was getting worried

De ♥: I can't tell you, it sounds so lame

De ♥: but if I do, you won't say anything, right?

Virgil: unless you're dying or doing something illegal yeah

De ♥: I'm not lmao

Virgil: then i won't tell

De ♥: you won't even be mad?

Virgil: ok de wtf did you do

Virgil: you're scaring me

Virgil: why would i be mad?

Virgil: ??

De ♥: I'll be back in an hour to tell you in person

Virgil: an hour??? i might as well go home by then

De ♥: just fucking stay there, Virgil.

Virgil: did i do something wrong? should i be scared?

Virgil: hello?

Virgil: this isn't like you at all

Virgil: de?

all the world's a stage // prinxiety ✔Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя