Some things should just stay a Secret

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Ok, you know what? I keep waking up in the middle of the night. Right now it's three thirty am, and im sitting at my dining table with my ipad, and a glass of milk. Annnnddddd.... There's a spider.... Crap.

Percy Jackson has updated his status

Anyone else cant sleep....?


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Percy Jackson: hm. I guess not...

Percy Jackson: huh...? It says franks on....

Frank Zhang: Cat? Imma kitty cat. And i dance dance dance and i dance dance dance *starts wiggling while wearing cat ears*

Percy Jackson: ...? What the hades....

Frank Zhang: cat? Imma kitty cat. And i dance dance dance and i dance dance dance!

Percy Jackson: *covers eyes*. This is terrifying.


Percy Jackson has updated his status

Frank? What the heck were you doing last night...?


Frank Zhang: huh...? What are you talking about?

Percy Jackson: you know... Cat ears.... Dancing. Really bad dancing.

Frank Zhang: uh-

Percy Jackson: like REALLY bad dancing.

Frank Zhang: we-


Frank Zhang: i-

Percy Jackson: although i cant ruin this fabulous face! *twinkle*

Frank Zhang: i-

Percy Jackson: dude, you need dancing lessons.

Frank Zhang: i dont remember anything from last night.

Percy Jackson: you must've been sleep dancing.

Frank Zhang: ....?

Percy Jackson: like, really bad sleep dancing.

Frank Zhang: u-

Percy Jackson: REALLY BA-

Frank Zhang has logged off

Percy Jackson: ....


Anyone else know that song? I was singing that in class yesterday.... I was annoying the kid that sits beside me. Lol... I think it got stuck in his head now..... Anyways.... I have to go to sleep or else i'll sleep in class... Cant have that happen again.... GOODNIGHT.

-Pysch out!

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