Finding your way

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To Cora and Rachel:

How did you find CHB/ SPQR?

Cora: well, it all started when our school went camping for like three days i was 12 and rachel was 11

Rachel: when we got to the lodge, Cora and i were in the same cabin we were putting our things away when Cora started freaking out talking about hanging out in the forest

Cora: i was planning on sneaking off while the group was being given a tutorial. I asked rachel if she wanted to come

Rachel: i said hell no. Because i already got in trouble too many times and i might get held back a year.....

Leo Valdez: so ur not smart?

Rachel: no babe. No im not


Everyone: ...

Fai Zhang: continue the story. O, and i heard u two were Canadian as well

Cora: yup

Percy Jackson: continue

Cora: k. So when she walked out of the cabin, i climbed out the window and snuck into the forest. I felt like i was looking for something... But i didnt know what. I was being drawn to something. So i followed my instincts.

Rachel: i thought cora was joking about sneaking off since she almost never got in trouble. But when i looked behind me, i saw she was telling the truth

Cora: i walked peacefully through the huge forest when the feeling got stronger


Jason Grace: kk


Everyone: ....

Rachel: srry! I had an even WORST week!

Cora: i started running, but i didnt know why. I zipped through the trees when i tripped over a tree root and face planted onto a rock

Rachel: i started to panic and told the the guide i needed to go to the bathroom. After about 15 minutes of arguing, he finally let me go. I bolted towards the forest

Cora: when i woke up, i had blood streaming down the side of my head. I panicked and let out a scream

Rachel: as i walked through the forest, i heard a scream, and followed the sound

Cora: i slammed my hands over my mouth, afraid the camp would hear me. I looked around, and found a creek. I grinned and jogged towards it. I was hoping to wash up in the creek. I stepped in, and immediately felt better. I felt like i could run a mile! Despite the huge scar on my head

Rachel: i was disappointed when the screaming stopped. Because i knew it was cora. But at the same time relieved. It meant she was ok. I think...

Everyone: ....

Cora: i felt the bleeding stop, and was kind of confused. I cautiously lifted my hand to my wound and winced. For no reason. I frowned and rubbed my hand on the place where the scar was. The scar was like, ten times smaller. And i could feel it shrinking. I gasped

Rachel: as i trudged through the trees, i heard a gasp. I grinned to myself and raced towards the source. I came to creek and found cora standing in the middle looking like she'd just seen a ghost.

Cora: rachel frowned at me and asked what was wrong.

Rachel: cora was shaking violently. She took a shaky breath. "I had a scar on my forehead... And when i stepped into the creek.... It disappeared..." She muttered

Cora: i stood there staring off into space as rachel tried to make sense of what had happened to me. But i totally zoned out. Suddenly i heard a growl. I snapped back to reality.

Rachel: i heard cora gasp. She was focused on something behind me. I slowly turned around. And screamed


Leo Valdez: u gotta be kiddin me.....

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